It’s Year’s End, the Time for Inventory Taking
Before closing my office for the #year -end holidays, I would like to use this opportunity to review all the interpreting assignments that I have accomplished in my over 25-year career.
Revealing clients’ names is a tricky business in our industry. Therefore, I would like to show my track record in the form of a geographical distribution of my clients in Japan. As far as I can positively remember their whereabouts, I colored the prefectures where my clients are located in red on Japan’s map. Interpreting at business matching events of agricultural produce contributed to a wider coverage on my map.
Honestly, my travel experience in Japan is much more limited than the red areas on this map. While in #Germany , I’ve learned a lot about regional particularities in my home country through my activities as an interpreter. For example, the Japanese love to bring #souvenirs as a token of their gratitude to their hosts. Gifts typically brought by high government officials are regional craft products, and local sweets and beverages which are often a new discovery even to me as a Japanese native.
As you can see, there are still a plenty of blank territories from which I’ve never received any visitors. Now that I started coloring my #career #map , it’s my ambition to turn the entire archipelago red.
I wonder which prefectures will join my map next year. How exciting!