
[新しい学校のリーダーズが好きだから勝手に楽曲提供] Creepy little doll

Creepy little doll

Lyrics by trashhole
Music Generated by suno-ai

Creepy little doll
鎖は解かれ それは闇夜に紛れて 獲物を求め街を彷徨う
Creepy little doll
狙いを定め それは扉をノックする 牙を忍ばせ 
抑揚のない声で I came for you

She's still unaware
疑うことを知らない 無邪気なpretty face
Pretty face, face, face

Start to beat
Now it's throbing,throb,dock,throbling,dockung
Now it's flooding,throb,dock,throbling,dokung
Now it's throbing,throb,dock,throbling,dockung
Now it's flooding, throb,dock,throbling,dokung

Creepy little doll
Doorは開かれ それはほら君のすぐ側で 泡に包まれ蠢いている
Creepy little doll
熱くたぎった それは激しく脈打ち 目眩を覚え
呼吸が乱れ 息ができない

She knows it all
時間をかけて 泉湧く茂みの奥へと Take it into, into, into

Start to beat
Now it's throbing,throb,dock,throbling,dockung
Now it's flooding,throb,dock,throbling,dokung
Now it's throbing,throb,dock,throbling,dockung
Now it's flooding, throb,dock,throbling,dokung

She knows it all
時間をかけて 泉湧く茂みの奥へと
Take it into, into, into……

ダウンロードはこちら / Download the song here

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ご利用にあたって/ Before You Use

This track is for personal use and non-commercial sharing only. Commercial use, resale, or unauthorized distribution is prohibited. I hope you enjoy it.
