
Reading an article, 9

Olympic High Jumpers Decide to Share Two Golds.

tie-breaker (n) an extra game played to decide to the winner when both players or teams have the same number of points.
cross out (v) 線を引いて消す to draw a line through a word, sentence, number, etc. 
sprint (n)全力疾走、短距離走
rather (adv)...よりも〜だ
-ex) He's a writer rather than scholar. 彼は学者というよりは文豪だ
deserve (v)〜の価値がある
Qatar (n)カタール
jump off (v)飛び降りる、着手する
think outside the box 既成概念に囚われず考える

Two high jumpers, Qatar's and Italy's representative, got two golds in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic games. Both of them succeeded in jumping up to 2.37 meters, but after 2.39 meters, which is the Olympic record, neither could do it. They had the option to break the tie with a jump-off.
Qatar’s athlete offered to share the gold medal. Then, it was accepted and they hugged each other.

What are your thoughts on the decision to share two gold medals?
I think it is a really interesting and fantastic idea. I also think both athletes deserved the gold medal.

I didn’t know it was possible to share the gold medal in the Olympic games. So, I was surprised when I read the article. Although, the case actually fit to share the medal between two people. Because both athletes’ level competed and the game was so close.
But, I am just curious about whether there are two gold medals for one competition because Olympic medals have been prepared in advance .

Anyway, such flexible thinking is important and brings happiness for our lives. I also think that I will be conscious to think outside the box.
(114 words)
