
Reading an article, 11

Bad Moods More Likely in Open-Plan Offices, Study Finds

open-plan (adj)間仕切りのない
proofread (v)誤りがないか読み直して確認する。
sweat (v)汗をかく
proofreading (n)校正、試み
experiment (n)実験
immediate (adj)すぐの、即時の
go away (v)どこかに行く、去る

Bond University in Australia has researched how open-plan office noise affects employee work performance, their bodies and their moods. According to the article, the study found no immediate effect on work performance by open-plan office noise although, the noise increased negative moods by 25% and sweat response by 34%, which could be harmful to employee well-being and work performance in the long term, the researchers said.

What are your thoughts on the study's findings?
I think If the atmosphere in an open-plan office were bad, it would be harmful to employees. Although, if the atmosphere were able to controle, it would have a good effect on them.

I am not good at working as a member of a team. Because I tend to be tired due to too much about people’s emotions that they work with me when I work as a member of a team.
But, I also feel it is difficult to keep my motivation against something.
When I was a nursing student and before taking the examination for nursing license, I struggled on how to concentrate on my studies. Even though I felt studying is very important, whether I can concentrate on it seems like it's not related.
Although, I was able to focus on my task easier in studying at a library than studying at home. I guess that for better or for worse, we are affected by our surroundings.

That’s why I think it is important to consider managing our environment the same as achieving tasks.
(177 words)
