備忘:New York州居住者(F-1/OPT)のFederal/State Tax Filing(2023)
日本からのLLM留学生のうち、卒業後、F-1ビザのままOPTで(およそ1年弱)米国で研修してから帰国する人達は一定数いると思いますが、OPT期間の所得については米国でTax Filingをする必要があります。
Filingの手続 = Sprintaxを使う
Nonresident alienの納税者はTax FilingにSprintaxを使う人が多いようです(コストはFederal/State合わせて百数十ドル程度)。
自力でIRSのFormを埋めて提出することもできなくはないですが、Formの説明も分かりにくいですし、OPT期間が終了し、帰国した後に問題が起こるリスクを考えると、Sprintaxを使ってFilingしておくのがBest Practiceな気がします。
Tax Residency Status = Nonresident
F-1/OPTで研修中の場合、Tax Residency Statusは原則としてnonresidentになるようです(F-1ビザでの滞在期間はsubstantial presence test上の判定期間に算入されないため)。
If you are not a U.S. citizen, you are considered a nonresident of the United States for U.S. tax purposes unless you meet one of two tests. You are a resident of the United States for tax purposes if you meet either the green card test or the substantial presence test for the calendar year (January 1 – December 31).
Do not count days for which you are an exempt individual. The term "exempt individual" does not refer to someone exempt from U.S. tax, but to anyone in the following categories:
A student temporarily present in the U.S. under an "F," "J," "M," or "Q" visa, who substantially complies with the requirements of the visa.
Joint Filing?= Married Filing Separately
F-2ビザの配偶者と共に米国に来ている場合には、原則としてjoint tax returnではなく、Married Filing SeparatelyとしてFilingを行うようです。
As a rule of thumb, those who are married on an F-1 visa cannot jointly file. However, F-1 students can file joint returns if the spouse is a US citizen or resident. If both F-1 visa holders are nonresidents for tax purposes the filing status on their returns should be ‘Married Filing Separate’.
但し、(本人だけでなく)配偶者についてもForm 8843をFilingする必要がある点には注意が必要です。
Regardless of whether you have earned income during your time in the US, if you are a nonresident in the US, you will still need to file what’s known as a Form 8843 “Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical Condition”.
Tax Credits and Deductions = 原則なし
上記の通り、F-1/OPTの場合、Tax Residency Statusがnonresidentであるため、
If you are a nonresident alien, you cannot claim the standard deduction. However, students and business apprentices from India may be eligible to claim the standard deduction under Article 21 of the U.S.A.-India Income Tax Treaty. Refer to Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens and to Revenue Procedure 93-20 for more information.
②学費の控除(Education Credit)も使えません。
Generally, a Nonresident Alien cannot claim an education tax credit unless:
You are married and choose to file a joint return with a U.S. citizen or resident spouse, or
You are a Dual-Status Alien and choose to be treated as a U.S. resident for the entire year. See Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens for more information.
一応、Tax Deductibleな個別アイテム(博物館や美術館のMembership Feeなど)はあるので、それらを使った節税はできなくはないようです。
Your membership is 100% tax-deductible. To learn more about the different levels of Museum membership and their benefits, as well as purchasing a gift membership, click on the categories listed below.
E-Filing = Federal Taxのみ可
米国でのTax Filingは未だに紙での提出手続が中心のようです。
ただ、Sprintaxでは2021年分から、Federal TaxについてはE-Filingが可能になったようです(State Taxについては変わらず紙での提出が必要)。