Jason Ho & Moe Fukada深田萌絵: Exposing CCP's Tech Spies, PART II, New Paradigms with Sargis Sangari EP #50 2021/05/04 にライブ配信 Vote Sangari https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COFkRpwu4Xw&t=0s 和訳文字起こし
Jason Ho&Moe Fukada:CCPのTech Spiesの公開、パートII、Sargis Sangari EP#50による新しいパラダイム
2021/05/04 にライブ配信
サンガリに投票する https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COFkRpwu4Xw
5月3日月曜日、第50回エピソードのSargis Sangariとの新しいパラダイムで、F35 Flight Control&Image DisplaceSystemsのリードデザイナーであるJasonHoと日本のジャーナリスト/著者およびITである深田萌絵とのディスカッションのパートIIに注目してください。アナリスト、信頼できる同盟国のうちの2人が #CCPは、重要な米国の国家安全保障技術を中国共産党の戦争機械に注ぎ込む「裏口」組織を収容する可能性があります。アメリカの重要な技術は長い間敵のスパイの標的でした。しかし、アメリカは現在、集積回路を放棄しました(#IC)私たちのすべての重要な防衛のための製造と #securitytechnology 海外では、海外での盗難からどれだけ安全ですか? ジェイソン・ホーさんと深田萌絵さんは世界最大だと主張している半導体 のような米国のシステムにとって不可欠な市場 F35これらの「裏口」の1つです。台北 to 東京, to ワシントンDCから、私のゲストは、CCPの共感者のネットワークが米国を奪っていると主張している、日本 と 台湾! 私たちの鼻のすぐ下で、米国政府はそれに目をつぶっている可能性があります。
Good evening.
Today is a special episode of new paradigms and i am your host Sargas Singieri.
Today, I have two returning guests who were on our show on the 26th of april 2021 which was the 49th episode of new paradigms at that time we were focusing on exposing the chinese communist party take spies and allegations of a possible backdoor when it comes to the theft of critical u.s tech before we conduct our deep dive this time and part two of our discussion.
on these topics and important issues, it is important to introduce our guests to our viewers one more time.
my first guest of course is Miss. Moe Fukada who is a japanese journalist and also author and an IT analyst and she is being joined by Mr. Jason Hall who was the lead designer of the f-35
flight control and also imagery display systems.
Moe received her bachelor of arts degree in global political economy from Waseda university in japan upon graduation she worked for Diamond Financial Research as an analyst before joining a Broadcast Capital Investment Banking Group in Japan. She was a consultant for the robot toronto llc and she worked there, her way up into becoming the ceo for the company.
So Robert Tron llc is a leading artificial intelligence AI solutions company which is focusing on developing revolutionary real-time AI applications. The company was founded by a team of
veteran pioneers in large-scale computer chip design to exploit the breakthrough designs and performance characteristics of the latest innovations in the real time AI world. Miss Moe was a
finalist in the women's entrepreneurship contest which was sponsored by the Japanese government in 2012 she also has published numerous books on financial techniques based on fundamental and statistic analysis. Her japanese books include Japan's IT industry is stolen by China the truth of 5G revolution truth of U.S China AI war impact of quantum computers and finally social media and economic war.
Mr. Jason Hall is a 20- year veteran experience and integrated circuit IC design and has been awarded multiple worldwide patents for innovations in the field of chip design computer architecture and network security before joining UH Revel Tron LLC. Mr. Hall was the ceo of Mai Logic Incorporated where he
raised almost 10 million dollars in funding and led the company to successfully in produce several multi-million gate ics and worked with several global companies such as IBM, Motorola, TI and Rockwell Collins, MAI logic formerly known as mentor arc
incorporated is an advanced ic design company before MAI logic he also held several design engineering positions with LSI logic uh altol's computer chip and technology and unitec jason received his master of science degree in electronic engineering from Pennsylvania State University and a bachelor of science and electronic engineering in taiwan in 1984.
Jason and Moe is good to have you here again as part two of our discussion specifically focusing on China's theft of some critical infrastructure information that we need to keep our nation secure. The Chinese Communist Party's tech spays are operating here as we know and we're gonna discuss the deep dive and the allegations of the possible back door of theft of critical US tech and is good to have you back here again with US appreciate to have US back here again and also I appreciate the you have time in the kernel you came to sit down with us. we spend a very valuable time together. I appreciate that and this is our honor and our pleasure no it's good to is is good and it was my pleasure to have had an opportunity for viewers who didn't know
Jason is referring to the fact that I did make a trip out to see them since our last episode and we've had an opportunity to salaam talk face to face, Jason and Moe. Moe let's start with you if you could tell us about specifically a little bit more of a deep dive on these allegations of the possible backdoors.
How do they work?
What are some of the issues? We're going to be aware of and what do you think is the steps we have to take to inform our governance both in Japan and the U.S to make sure that China does not use those back doors to steal important critical technology from both of us because those Taiwanese companies second conduct the companies working together and steal technology or transfer technology from Japan to to China and they use those technology to build a weapon for peer and last year, two years ago I reported about the one of the time on this company was going to buy a panasonic semiconductor who produce a radar chip for a U.S military especially for xrd5. That company called tower panasonic semiconductor and that was going to sell to Taiwanese company.
今日は、2021年4月26日に出演した 2人のゲストをお招きしています 新パラダイムの49回目のエピソードでした 当時、私たちは中国共産党がスパイをしていることを 暴くことに焦点を当てていました そして、米国の重要な技術を盗むための バックドアの可能性についての疑惑 今回の深堀りと議論のパート2を行う前に。
この会社は、リアルタイムAIの世界における最新のイノベーションの画期的な設計と性能特性を利用するために、大規模なコンピュータチップ設計のベテランの先駆者たちによって設立されました。 Miss Moeは、また、ファンダメンタル分析や統計学的分析に基づいた金融技術に関する多くの書籍を出版しています。日本での著書には、「日本のIT産業は中国に奪われた」「5G革命の真実」「米中AI戦争の真実」「量子コンピューターの衝撃」「ソーシャルメディアと経済戦争」などがあります。
ジェイソン・ホールさんは、IC設計の分野で20年の経験を持ち、UH Revel Tron LLCに入社する前は、チップ設計、コンピュータ・アーキテクチャ、ネットワーク・セキュリティの分野で革新的な技術を開発し、複数の世界特許を取得しています。ホールは、Mai Logic IncorporatedのCEOを務め、約1,000万ドルの資金を調達して
また、IBM、Motorola、TI、Rockwell Collinsなどのグローバル企業と仕事をしました。
どのような問題があるのでしょうか?私たちが注意しなければならないことは何か、また、中国がそのようなことをしないようにするために、日米両国のガバナンスに情報を提供するために取るべきステップは何だとお考えですか? というのも、台湾の第二の企業が協力して技術を盗んだり、日本から中国に技術を移転したりして、それらの技術を使って同業者のための武器を作っているからです。去年、2年前に私が報告したのは、この会社が米軍のレーダーチップを製造しているパナソニックセミコンダクタを買収しようとしているというものでした。その会社はタワー・パナソニック・セミコンダクターと呼ばれ、台湾の会社に売ろうとしていました。
That company is a very close relationship relationship with pla so was that that's why I reported reported about it to a Japanese government
and told them they are the people stole technology from us and so that to to appear a that technology supposed to deliver to um to U.S military as a F-35 flight controller so there's a group of people working with working working as a Taiwanese semiconductor companies and working for PLA. So I recommend Japanese government not to allow panasonic to sell those those panasonic panasonic semiconductor company to the Taiwanese company but they allow it and that critical rate of cheap
technology went to china and now TSMC is trying to come to japan.
They are trying to transfer technology, SME technology semiconductor
manufacturing technology to China that's why I talked to Japanese politicians about it. But they don't build me they just ask me to provide hard evidence they are working with PLA.
I know that we got some slides that we populated here that we're going to be showing Moe.
You're going to speak be speaking on on those specific slides but I wanted to initially get to Jason.
Jason, I have this first slide that we have up here can you tell us a little bit about the TSMC and explain a little bit about what that company is for the viewers who do not know sure and the people I'm not familiar with in the ID industry or semiconductor allow me to explain the TSMC means Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporations and those companies and especially those in Taiwan in control of semiconductor industry and they are coming from and China actually.
They are, they are not in another as a traditional taiwanese so there are the key person and this is the wing bond chairman ceo and they specialize in the and the memory ICS and this company has very close tie to Huawei and very few people knows. So the company of wing bang his company name and the company of Huawei acting together actually is a chinese idiom means at a peaceful a prosperous chinese race and also can be extended and China eventually not only have a very prosperous and development also eventually they will rule the world.
Moe, I know that we have another slide here and Jason, you guys can pick and choose. I know Moe these are the slides you provided us but as we had discussed last time it seems that all these companies as you laid out are really tied to each other through family relations um give us a little bit of more of a deep dive on this specifically.
So that our viewers know exactly how these companies work and unfortunately. It seems that you have brought that to attention of the Japanese government to ensure that Japanese companies do not sell to these companies that are really tied to the Chinese Communist Party but unfortunately in this case. It may not have gone as we would have hoped. Yes yes, I reported about Panasonic Semiconductors. They provide, they provide a radar chip to, to a U.S military as a Tower Jason Conductors. So they shouldn't allow Panasonic to sell the Panasonic Cemiconductor to nevertheless technology. So maybe, people doesn't ealize those Taiwanese Semiconductor Companies and it looks like it's taiwan company but the people as shown on the previous slide and actually. They have a very close family ties and they are original chinese and separate after world war. I so there are very close group people together and those people and not only own those important companies in Taiwan also they help China to shape up their semiconductor industry and most people in the in the dealing and doing the importance of kind of development in time. In China actually these are people from Taiwan yeah I know that we were showing that one slide if you could go back to it and Moe, you had pretty much tied the fact that there were japanese that there were chinese spies operating in Japan. I know one of that previous slide if you can bring back up again the one that has mr F's name on it and is unfortunate that. This, this slide right here is unfortunate that we're not able to really get the public to realize these, these close ties that these families have a lot of this information is really open source. There's nothing secret here but if you could talk a little bit more about that and, and tell us where the specifics of those ties are and so and let me know because a lot of is the chinese and entity names. It's hard for Moe to explain so let me bring that up and basically and the people and muay has discovered he's carried two identities. It's not a person with two nationalities that's very common and especially as people become U.S citizens and but this is a person have a complete two different identities and related to each other. One is chinese identity it's pure chinese almost amazingly his father is working extremely important position developing.
彼らは技術を移転しようとしている、SME(http://sme-japan.org/ ?)技術の半導体製造技術を中国に移転しようとしています。だから私は日本の政治家にこの話をしたのです。しかし、彼らは私の説得を聞くことなく、PLAと協力しているという確かな証拠を提示するように求めてきました。
TSMCとは、Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporations(台湾半導体製造会社)のことで、特に台湾の企業が半導体産業をコントロールしています。
彼らは、伝統的な台湾人のように別の場所にいるわけではないので、重要な人物がいて、これはウィング・ボンドの会長兼CEOで、彼らはメモリのICS(インターネット接続共有【ICS / Internet Connection Sharing?)を専門にしていて、この会社はHuaweiと非常に密接な関係があり、非常に多くの人が知っています。ウィング・ボンドの会社名とファーウェイの会社が一緒に行動していることは、中国の慣用句で、平和で繁栄した中国民族という意味ですが、これを拡大すると、中国が非常に繁栄して発展するだけでなく、最終的には世界を支配することになります。
そうそう、パナソニックセミコンダクターズについて報告しました。彼らはタワー・ジェイソン・コンダクターとして米軍にレーダーチップを提供しています。それにもかかわらず、パナソニックがパナソニックセミコンダクターの技術を売ることを許すべきではありません。だから、たぶん、人々はこれらの台湾の半導体会社を評価していないし、台湾の会社のように見えますが、前のスライドにあるような人々と実際には、彼らは非常に親密な家族の絆を持っていて、彼らは元々中国人であり、第二次世界大戦後に分離しました。台湾の重要な企業を所有しているだけでなく、中国の半導体産業の発展にも貢献していますし、中国のほとんどの人は、このような発展の重要性を理解しています。中国では、実際に台湾出身の人たちがいます。1枚のスライドをお見せしましたが、そのスライドに戻って、Moeさんは、日本で活動する日本人と中国のスパイがいたという事実をほぼ結びつけていましたね。私が知っているのは、その前のスライドの中に、F氏の名前が入っているものがありましたが、このスライドは、残念なことに、これらの家族が持つ密接な関係を一般の人々に理解してもらうことができませんでした。ここに秘密はありませんが、もしあなたがもう少し詳しく話してくれたら、それらの関係の具体的な場所などを教えてください。 萌絵が説明するのは難しいのですが、基本的には、人々や萌絵は自分が2つのアイデンティティを持っていることを発見しました。よくある2つの国籍を持つ人ではなく、特にアメリカ市民になってからは、完全に2つの異なるアイデンティティを持ち、お互いに関連している人です。1つは中国のアイデンティティで、ほとんど純粋な中国人です。驚くべきことに、彼の父親は開発に関わる非常に重要なポジションで働いていています。
The DF-17 and especially and the U.S government concerned about the hypersonic and the missiles. I mean not only Japan, Taiwan but alsoU.S and but that the person also carried another set of identity as a japanese. So one set is a pure chinese and generation of chinese another identity is and the japanese and the generation of japanese and then those people work with Taiwanese Semi-Conduct Industry and coming to Japan and to acquire Panasonic Semiconductor which is very strategic very very important position in the defense industry and they took over in this company extremely low price and that's what Moe tried to report to the japanese government unfortunately and most people concept is Taiwan's rival to China and why you want to against the taiwanese company to take over because and especially those company japanese companies when they came to Japan. They want to say oh we're going to help Japan to build a supply chain without the China effect to fight against China together with Japanese but actually. Those people they are sitting on two sides and ne side in China helping China build their semiconductor and development technologies and the other side is in Taiwan acting like they are against China. So they can infiltrate Japan so that's what Moe has discovered and she has found particular and also specific ties of those people how they work in high position in the Chinese government also how they obtain another set of identity in Japan to help those taiwanese semiconductor companies to come to Japan to take over japanese most precious most important defense technology. Yeah, it is unfortunate if you think about it because you know from American perspective when you see something that says toshiba you see something says Panasonic. You're not relaying it to any ties to the Chinese Communist Party unfortunately Japan has been squeezed so much since the 80s that it's really hardly able to even project itself economically in certain areas that in isu to include the fact that from us from the near east center for strategic engagement. We really look at how Japan Korea or South Korea. I should say in this case , some of our allies are very dependent on the natural resources of the middle east and now they're being squeezed and once they get squeezed they end up having to make these type of trade deals under really kind of a duress. I would say rather than anything else. I know that last show we had talked about the fact that president Biden had met with the promise of Japan and actually ncouraged him to move forward in working with these taiwanese companies but I guess for from what you're leading to what you're saying. If, if they followed um what was discussed between president Biden and also prime minister of Japan and it could be that in not just the near future in the long term. You could literally be actually backdooring yourself without knowing to chinese influence especially the Chinese Communist Party definitely because and it's very hard for people to understand as I explained in last episode and those companies in Taiwan or in China there are different type of organizations and sually most U.S people understand company just a commercial entity but in China or in Taiwan the company actually. There's a lot of function beyond the regular commercial activities and everyone knows China has law and the communist party can use any company in China the echnology developed and they can take it for the pa development for the military use and the in Taiwan and the company usually is also its gray area what does the company means or actually and the company only controlled by the few families those families came to the Taiwan after World War II and those family just sitting in power control those industries and they, they're blowing the line and and as a company or as an entity organization and then it's very hard for people outside to realize the differences. Jason, Moe, we got a number of slide decks.
I want to make sure we go through them and Jason will start with your slides. I think, we pretty much went through moz slides on this one.
But give us a quick review of what we're looking at especially with the case that you're laying out with the possible allegations that these back doors are open and we have to try our best to be able to block them for me. This is a live example because the F-35 technology has been stolen to China. This is a fact no longer a story and the U.S government has been public this and discussed and explained China has learned everything about the us and the F-35 technology. So the original goal is to make F-35 a most advanced jet fighter with the three distinct functions first also it's quite aggressive and the first and they want to put and the optic computers optical electron integrated computers into the joint strike fighter and also they want to put the advanced AI system to make a drone strike fighter can fly with drones and and together to Xband their fighting ability and the third and the joint strike fighter has a hologram technology and so everyone knows China successfully obtained F-35 technology.
DF-17や、特にアメリカ政府が懸念している極超音速ミサイルのことです。つまり、日本や台湾だけでなく、アメリカも含めてですが、その人は日本人としての別のアイデンティティを持っていたのです。一つは純粋な中国人とその世代の中国人、もう一つは日本人とその世代の日本人というアイデンティティを持っていて、その人たちが台湾のセミコンダクター・インダストリーで働いていて、日本にも来ている。 日本に来て、防衛産業で非常に戦略的に重要な地位にあるパナソニックセミコンダクタを買収し、この会社を極端に低価格で買収したのです。彼らは、日本が中国の影響を受けずにサプライチェーンを構築するのを手助けして、日本と一緒に中国に対抗しようとしていますが、実際にはそうではありません。彼らは、中国の半導体や開発技術の構築を支援する中国側と、中国に対抗するかのように振る舞う台湾側に分かれています。彼らは日本に潜入することができるのです。萌絵(Moe)さんはそれを発見し、彼らが中国政府の高い地位で働いていることや、台湾の半導体企業が日本に来て日本の最も貴重で最も重要な防衛技術を引き継ぐのを助けるために、日本で別のIDを取得していることなど、彼らの特定の、また特定の関係を発見したのです。そうですね、考えてみれば残念なことです。アメリカ人の視点では、東芝と書かれたものを見ても、パナソニックと書かれたものを見ても、同じです。中国共産党との関係を示すものではありません。残念ながら、日本は80年代以降、経済的に圧迫されており、ある分野では経済的に事業を展開することすら困難になっています。私たちは、日本と韓国がどのような関係にあるのかに注目しています。この場合、同盟国の中には中東の天然資源に非常に依存している国もありますが、彼らは今、圧迫されており、一度圧迫されると、本当にある種の強迫感の中でこのような貿易取引をしなければならなくなります。他の何よりも、私はそう言いたいのです。前回の番組では、バイデン大統領が日本の首相と会い、台湾企業との取引を進めるように促したという話をしましたが、あなたの話から推測すると、もし彼らが......あなたの言うとおりになっていたら、と思います。もし、バイデン大統領と日本の首相の間で話し合われたことに従ったならば、近い将来だけでなく、長期的にもそうなるかもしれません。前回のエピソードで説明したように、台湾や中国の企業にはさまざまな種類の組織があり、通常、ほとんどのアメリカ人は企業を単なる商業組織と理解していますが、中国や台湾では企業は実際には多くの機能を持っています。中国には法律があり、共産党は中国国内のあらゆる企業が開発した技術を利用することができ、それを軍事利用のための医薬品開発に利用することができることは誰もが知っています。会社として、あるいは実体のある組織として、その違いを外部の人が理解するのは非常に難しいのです。
So the original goal is to make F-35 a most advanced jet fighter with the three distinct functions first also it's quite aggressive and the first and they want to put and the optic computers optical electron integrated computers into the joint strike fighter and also they want to put the advanced AI system to make a drone strike fighter can fly with drones and and together to Xband their fighting ability and the third and the joint strike fighter has a hologram technology and so everyone knows China successfully obtained F-35 technology. There's a numerous reporter about about it and but the most people still think and the F-35 stolen is through the and electronic hacking or through the espionage but as I explained in the next episode. It's more sophisticated than that because China claims that their counterfeit F-35 J31 is much better than F-35 they brag about it and they are very proud of and their ability and also most importantly in China announced. The J31 is only about two years behind F-35. It's about the same time. So it's more than just a counterfeit actually. This is a war. It's more like and marcelo has mentioned and restricted the warfare. So when the J20 announced there copied a radar system and people just realized this identical to the F-35 design and especially talk about the smart helmet. The power consumption the specifications and the details features identical to F35. So those events is not just a simple stealing and because when they show those identical features from fuselage from silicon photonics from fiber optical communication systems from many detail specifications when they show so much and identity identical designs. It means what China has copied is not just F35 design itself China has copied is complete. The air force and the system
based on F-35 not only the airplane itself but also the technology.
The supply and the older work plan and all the function of those and the
and they had to take overdose into the in China. So this is the most and I think most in the incredible and the most terrible case ever happened.
So well, I get, I think if you go back to it five years ago they had made a decision to modernize their military and you know we had an opportunity then to be able to have some effects on them in order to ensure that this process was controlled unfortunately. it seems like they had we never took any steps to how to address the issues of China wanting to modernize. Their military and they just continued exploiting
american companies in order to be able to control the components of each and so really. It's kind of a system of systems approach using their information operations and at the same time just literally stealing information from you as you're saying that you know it's not just the equipment that they have in this case stealing designs off the F35. It's also how they've actually were able to adjust the rest of their military and their platforms to be able to support that particular fighter jet that means that the steel is much more deeper than what I've ever expected and I know we're looking only at allegations but it seems like most of the information we've talked about has been at least discussed in most open sources continue Jason give us a little bit more about why we were not able to counter what China is doing when it comes to this steel of technology because there's a key difference for most us people we have our personal life and also and we have our job we know that's very different but in chinese or in taiwanese those people the concept not the same for them. The war is their life rule the world is the goal of their life. So and they are designed they are living in the status and constantly in war so this is a new type of the thinking the mindset.
これについては多くのレポーターが報じていますが、ほとんどの人は、F-35の盗難は電子的なハッキングやスパイ活動によるものだと思っています。なぜなら、中国は自分たちの偽造F-35 J31がF-35よりもはるかに優れていると主張し、それを自慢し、自分たちの能力を誇りに思っており、さらに中国では最も重要なこととして、J31を発表しているからです。J31はF-35に比べて約2年遅れているだけです。ほぼ同時期なのです。つまり、単なる偽物ではないのです。これは戦争なのです。マルセロが言っていたように、これは戦争のようなものです。J20が発表されたとき、レーダーシステムがコピーされていて、人々はこれがF-35のデザインと同じであることに気づきました。消費電力、仕様、細部の特徴がF35と同じなのです。つまり、これらの出来事は単なる盗用ではなく、機体からシリコンフォトニクス、光ファイバ通信システム、多くの詳細な仕様に至るまで、これらの同一の特徴を示しており、これほどまでに同一のデザインを示しているということです。中国がコピーしたものは、F35のデザインそのものではなく、中国がコピーしたものは完全なものだということです。 空軍とそのシステムはF35をベースにした空軍やシステムは、機体そのものだけでなく、技術も含めて、供給、旧式の作業計画、そしてそれらのすべての機能と、そして、彼らは中国国内で過剰摂取しなければならなかったのです。これは、これまでに起こった中で最も、信じられないほど恐ろしい事件だと思います。
It's very confusing as that's also the reason and caught a lot of people unguarded and have them to take chance not only still in the design but
it's leading the system.
So in my case we spend so much effort so much energy we develop our technology for F-35. We work with IBM, we work with Texas Instruments, we work with many important partners to put the system together to put a jet fighter possible flying the sky and with the specifications and features and never possible in the past but now.
Everything went to China and just as easy like air wind blow to the China
and we have chased back and because myself has been the victim of this
case for 25 years and it makes me developing the F-35 technology becoming a punishment of my life and what the strategy. They use is not a traditional and business activities. It's not a common and knowledge ike just the and technology stealing. There's a much more deeper ways to take the not only technology but capable of complete copying the system duplicate the environment platform from the U.S to China well. It's not just that they're duplicating U.S systems from China. They're affecting our companies but at the same time those companies have individuals in them just like you. I mean you worked hard in order to be able to get those patents put out there and if they're gonna come in and just steal the patents that you created not only does it take away from your livelihood it takes away from the possibility of the future of you and
your family and especially when it comes to the nation's future and what it wants to do with that particular technology and because if they still they could basically simply in a quick turnaround null and void what we had worked on. So many years, on so many different platforms and you know what once they take that away. They're really literally taking almost your life away and I know that in the past and I don't know if you want to talk about. It a little bit but I know that your life has been threatened and you've had gone through a lot of difficulties. I know that MOE. You're always constantly under attacks when it comes to social media now that you have a hard time even in Japan being able to defend your own country because your own countrymen in your own country sometimes come after you and you know at the end as we said in the last broadcast unfortunately money talks and sometimes in political arenas whether it be in our country or other countries. It seems that that is the main driving point but I'll give you an opportunity, I'll give you a last chance here to kind of talk a little bit more about those things and actual personal effects on you. All and then we'll we'll try to do a close-up on how we might be able to counter this as much as possible sure what they have been doing and it's not just people to think a company
has to make money make profit for them actually. It's engaging in war
so this is a timeline how they took the F-35 technology away you can see how sophisticated. It is and by the strategy they use first they signed a license agreement with us. So you can see they have a license agreement looks like healthy business engagement but after they sign agreement they have a way to open your door they come to your company to inspect everything they immediately they make a criminal complaint
against you they say you are fraud you don't have technology even we have those contracts with lockheed martin with with the older defense primes. So and they will immediately and says your company has no credit and they will try to talk to investors. You cannot and invest this company. They use their financial power and they use their influence in politics. They use their attorneys working as a group and finding numerous and the lawsuits to get our technology. So they have invented the word they call suit to own. So even lucky martin the F-35 team
wrote the letter taiwanese president and wrote to the Taiwan and the AIT that's American just like American ambassador in the Taiwan.
They wrote a letter to them in warning that's more than 20 years ago about the TSMC but still this year this moment TSMC is causing the problem of U.S National Security Crisis. So this is a event lasts for more than decades decades that's that's because they use whatever possible ways, possible means just to get the technology, to get the system,
duplicated. That's their purpose. Moe let me get back to you what do you want from your government in japan? what what do you want them as the most simplest thing to try to do to maybe listen or counter? What is happening in Japan ?
これはF-35の技術をどのようにして奪ったかを示すタイムラインで、いかに高度な技術であるかがわかります。彼らの戦略は、まず私たちとライセンス契約を結びました。健全なビジネス関係のように見えるライセンス契約ですが、契約を結んだ後、彼らはあなたの会社のドアを開ける方法を持っています あなたの会社に来て、すべてを検査し、すぐにあなたを刑事告発します あなたは詐欺師だと言います。
あなたは詐欺師だ、技術を持っていないと言って、ロッキード・マーティンや旧来の防衛プライムとの契約を持っているにもかかわらずです。彼らはすぐに、あなたの会社には信用がないと言って、投資家に話を持ちかけてきます。この会社に投資することはできません。彼らは資金力と政治的影響力を駆使しています。彼らは弁護士を使い、グループとして働き、我々の技術を手に入れるために数多くの訴訟を起こしています。だから、彼らはsuit to ownという言葉を生み出したのです。F-35チームのラッキー・マーティンも、台湾の大統領に手紙を書いています。
複製するために それが彼らの目的です。Moeさん、話を戻しますが、日本の政府に何を求めていますか? 最も簡単なこととして、政府に何をしてもらいたいですか?日本で何が起こっているのか?
I just want simply this simply, I want, I want my government to listen to my story but the interference from chinese who, who acting as living as japanese to those chinese had japanese identities there.
They interfere whatever I do for government and they say I am chinese spy China spy. So they shouldn't listen to me that's why a japanese government is difficult for for them to to trust me and also you know they stole F-35 technology from him and then two years ago those companies those taiwanese companies would buy Panasonic Semiconductor then I realized they they were missing radar technology for for their J20 or J71 that is the reason they have they had to buy tower jabs Panasonic Semiconductor from Panasonic. I don't want the to to raise their power more than that that's why I talk to government people.
I even, I talk to a very important person from cabinets but they they didn't listen to me they just allowed Panasonic to sell the tower judge Panasonic Semiconductor to that taiwanese company working with PLA
now japanese self-defense force cannot buy radar chip from that company but that company is delivered to PLA same chip as F-35 has I just wanted to stop it. I don't need any money. I don't, I need nothing but I just want to stop it. I just want to protect my country!
You're just a japanese patriot who's trying to protect Japan in the long run. So you you've done your piece you've told the government. It's up to them to try to figure out what they need to do from their behalf Jason.
We mentioned pier 8 could you get a little bit more into the details as far
as appearance is concerned and then and and then it's got to be tough
I can just imagine trying to take something like this to the courts and
try to fight these individuals these multi-billion dollar companies when it comes to trying to get your own intellectual property back and tell us a little bit about that if you could sure for the PRA and how they develop their technology so quickly and how becoming a threat to the U.S a major threat and this changes and never never has ever been discussed or openly talked and how does change possibly happen so quickly and all the people not unfortunately just need to take the fact now the PA is so strong their technology is the best and the dod talked about it and the government talked about it then they talked about it. Now the China
AI technology is even maybe more powerful than the U.S and all the super computing power now become the best in China the assistant not becoming the best in China but how that happened no one really wanted to talk about it in details and they just simple put the word distilling but how it is deal how developed because defense system is very different than the commercial product commercial product maybe I want to and copy something and like a cell phone like a computer and that's straightforward easy but the peer a is the army they are killing people. They can invade other countries. They can take their power. They can take their will. They can take slavery system over the world. This is a different. This is not a company just try to make money. This is a war machine killing people slave people just look at the xinjiang just look at the wigalu and what have happened to them so and what I try to help and to let you understand and I hope in the future we have a chance to talk about the details is how peer a to get those advanced technology and plus the platform to run it and the third assistant to make it happen
and fourth the political surroundings allowed it to have period to grow and noticed and checked until it becoming a shed becoming a monster people realize. It's too difficult too large to to it's too impossible to continue well look. Moe, Jason, I commend you both for working together and at least getting out there putting the word out. I know, I know, you guys are on their constant attacks at every level you have literally put your lives in jeopardy. I, I'm glad I had an opportunity to come out sit down and meet with both of you since our last discussion and I gotta tell you the stuff that I saw that we can't even discuss here in open source is absolutely amazing and it is really astonishing that we have allowed the chinese government to steal even our defensive technology in the way. They do which most of us should have been able to do the link analysis. If you had any level of counterintelligence capability now I know that we put the qr code there and for our viewers and they know how it works. If you just aim your camera at it, it's going to take you directly to moss site and you can follow her work to see what she's trying to do and we're gonna do what we can from our end to try to help as much as possible to at least. Get you in from the right people and hopefully they'll listen and do their best to be able to protect not just united states by Japan itself.
I will give you both the last words.
I commend you again for at least coming out and talking about these allocations. I think you've done a pretty good job as far as laying out the case from your perspective and well it's the door is open. If any of the companies want to come on, on the show sit down and present their case they have the right to do. So I, I doubt that they're going to be sitting here and discussing and countering what you all have done with this type of an investigating reporting that you have presented to our viewers today.
Jason and Moe, I give you all the last word here. 【萌絵】 I thank you to listen to my story and I hope some people in U.S can understand my different situation my government turned out to be in me and but I just want to protect my country. I just want to stop transfer military technology to China. 【Jason】 That's all thank you and for myself and two years ago, five years ago, many people think a PRA can sweat a chinese army a chinese military power can shed the U.S. That's a joke, that's impossible whoever think about it and that's ridiculous now. It's happening so my last word is I hope people can remember one word now chinese talk about loudly but unfortunately.
The media not pay attention to it not have a new name called Chai America, Chai Aamerica. China eventually will take the U.S and rename it a United China America together called
It is coming, it is reality and 20 years ago I talked about it. China is going to develop the most advanced and jet fragile system and still in F-35. No one believed but I hope and based on the faith experience people remember now that China is talking about America and trust me many many high-level people in China they honestly believe China America will become a true becoming a fact in the near future. Well, Jason Ii hope that if you get your day in court that, that won't happen hopefully. We could get some of those patents back that were you're saying stolen from you and again you know. I, I can just imagine one individual is trying to get a lawyer to represent them where the other party can come and buy those lawyers off and in two seconds but we're gonna try our best we give you an opportunity on this platform and other platforms to kind of lay out the case as an American serviceman who's spent 20 years in the military. I know the first time that
I was briefed on china's ability to conduct airfield operations was prior to september 11th and we were surprised to be honest that that much of a transfer of technology had taken place at that time where initially they were able to do what our rangers were able to do only and today they have sophisticated equipment technologies to include chip technologies and future technologies that seems like they have just literally stolen from our department of defense and our security apparatus with that said we're going to bring you guys back again. God bless you! All for what you've been doing and keep us updated on what the progress is sure. I appreciate thank you but that said there's new paradigms.
メディアはそれに注意を払わず、「Chai America」「Chai Aamerica」という新しい名前をつけています。中国は最終的にアメリカを手に入れて、一緒にUnited China Americaと改名するだろう。Chamerica。
それは現実のものとなり、20年前に私はこのことについて話しました。中国は、F-35に代表されるような、最も先進的なジェット機の脆弱なシステムを開発しようとしています。誰も信じませんでしたが、私は期待していますし、信仰の経験に基づいて、人々は今、中国がアメリカについて話していることを覚えていますし、私を信じてください、中国の多くのハイレベルな人々は、近い将来、中国アメリカが本当の事実になると正直に信じています。ジェイソン、もし君が法廷に立つことができれば、そんなことにはならないだろうと思っている。あなたが言っているように、盗まれた特許を取り返すことができるかもしれませんしね。ある個人が自分の代理人として弁護士を雇おうとすると、相手がその弁護士を買収してきて、2秒で終わりますが、私たちは最善を尽くして、このプラットフォームや他のプラットフォームで、20年間軍隊で過ごしたアメリカの軍人としての主張をする機会を提供します。私が初めて中国政府から説明を受けたのは、中国の飛行場運営能力について説明を受けたのは、9月11日より前のことでしたが、その時に技術移転が行われていたことには正直驚きました。当初はレンジャーにしかできなかったことが、今ではチップ技術や将来の技術を含む高度な設備技術を持っており、まるで文字通り国防省や安全保障機関から盗んだかのようでした。神のご加護があらんことを、 あなたがしてきたことに感謝し、進捗状況を報告してください。感謝していますが、それにしても新しいパラダイムができましたね。