「A Change is Coming」におけるヘクター・ソーサ・ジュニアのタイムライン
私は最近(2018年5月)、ヘクターと話し、彼の仕事の現状について彼の考えを聞きました。彼が2015年6月に「A Change is Coming」を書いたときから何かが変わったかどうかを知るためです。結局、多くのことが変わりました。ヘクターは、自分のタイムラインが本に記録されたとおり正確ではないと考えています。
タイムラインを構成するビジョン パズルのピースは、異なる順序で挿入されている可能性があります。
また、2015 年 6 月のオリジナルの A Change is Coming の本には含まれていなかった追加事項もいくつかありました。私はそれらをピンクで以下に記録しました。これらの追加事項の多くは、ヘクターが Visions of Glory のスペンサーとカウンセリングを行った結果です。
ヘクター ソサのタイムラインの概要
ヘクターは、どのイベントが最初に起こるのか知りません。ビジョン グループの一部は関連しています。これは新しい展開です。
経済が悪化 – シカゴで組合の年金に関する何かが始まります。(ヘクターはこの部分について最も明確にしています。)
i. 運送会社は、Net 30 または Net 90 の請求書で支払いを受けられません。
a.トマホークミサイル – 古い船用の水平発射装置。アメリカ以外の船だが、アメリカの同盟国。アメリカの新しい船はすべて垂直発射装置を持っている。
b. アメリカが北朝鮮攻撃を発表。パキスタンとインドが小型核兵器。イランがイスラエルにあらゆる種類のものを発射。中国が台湾を攻撃。すべて同時に。
i. 新しい技術が使用された。計画は、核攻撃を受ける航空母艦グループに対して弾道ミサイルを使用することです。春の月に最初の大地震がユタ州を襲う。規模が大きく、被害を与える。しかし、回復不能なほどではない。
3 つの災いのうちの 1 つ目 – 紫色の軍団
3 つの災いのうちの 2 つ目 – 白い軍団
7. 3 つの疫病のうちの 3 番目 – 「恐怖」の疫病 – 恐怖のために人々が死ぬ。
金融崩壊 – ヘクターの記述にある資料の中にはインフレについて述べているものもあれば、デフレについて述べているものもある。(そう、ヘクターはそう考えている。ここに来る。)
a. その中間のもの
i. 「プラン 92」を含む多くのグループが、米国における正当な統治を主張する。内戦。すると、イギリスとフランスは正当な政府を見分けることができない。
ii. イギリスとフランスが国連に電話 – 中国やロシアを含むさまざまな国から軍隊を派遣する。中国とロシアの軍隊は、米国が混乱していることに気付くと、米国本土の混乱した状況を指導者に警告するために本国に電話をかける。中国は西から侵攻し、ロシアは東から侵攻する。ロシアと中国は、以前に第 3 次世界大戦に敗れ、アメリカの軍事力を恐れていたため、再び侵攻したくなかった。
a. 似たような緑の軍服を着たアメリカ兵と中国兵のように見えた。
i. アメリカ兵が中国軍の指導者と協力しているのか、それとも捕虜で協力を強いられているのかは不明。
b. 中国はユタ郡の NSA ステーションから情報を入手し、危険な人物を見つけて射殺する。その後、他の人たちも集めて殺害する。数が多すぎるからだ。同年秋の月にユタ州で 2 度目の大地震が発生する。甚大な被害をもたらす。世界が経験したことのない種類の地震。震源地はソルトレイク郡とユタ郡の間にあるザ・ポイント・オブ・ザ・マウンテンのようだ。ヘクターの本に書かれている被害は、地球を襲った最大の地震に匹敵するだろう。 1906 年のサンフランシスコ地震、1964 年のマグニチュード 8.6 のアラスカ地震、ミシシッピ川が 8 時間にわたって上流に流れ、新しい湖を形成した 1812 年のニューマドリッド地震よりもはるかに大きな被害です。これが、ヘクターの本で説明されている被害レベルです。
a. ヘクターはスペンサーとこのビジョンについて話しました。彼らは数時間一緒に話し合いました。ヘクターは他の夢想家から断片的な情報を得続けています。
b. I-15 は瓦礫で覆われています。多くのダムが決壊し、プロボは水で浸水しています。
ソルトレイクシティでも水が噴出します。ポイント オブ ザ マウンテンの砂が液状化します。2 回目の地震でディア クリーク貯水池のダムが決壊し、プロボで大洪水が発生。
Timeline of Hector Sosa Jr in A Change is Coming
Hector’s book was originally written in June 2015, Published 1 year after Julie Rowe’s first two
All 3 books describe a time in future history described as The Fall of America. They do not go
beyond that point. And most often confuse the fall of America with “the end”, near the Battle of
Armageddon and beyond.
It is hard to know if these dreams and visions will come to pass. The reason is that they do not
link to anything in the current time. They seem to be future scenes that don’t have a consistent
I have spoken with Hector recently (May 2018) to obtain his mind on the current state of his
work. To see if anything has changed from when he wrote A Change is Coming in Jun 2015. It
turns out, much has changed.
Hector believes that his timeline is not accurate as to the way it was documented in his book.
The pieces of the vision puzzle that make up the timeline may be inserted in a different order.
Also, there were some additions that were not in the original June 2015 A Change is Coming
book. I’ve documented those below in Pink. Many of these additions come from Hector’s
counseling with Spencer from Visions of Glory.
Summary of Hector Sosa’s Timeline
Hector doesn’t know which event goes first? Some of the vision groupings are related. This
is a new development.
Economy tanks – starts something in Chicago with pensions of Unions. (Hector has most
clarity about this part.)
i. Transportation companies won’t get paid on the Net 30 or Net 90 invoices.
Lots of Factoring companies will go bankrupt overnight.WWIII War with USA and Russia over Sea and Air.
a. Tomahawk missiles – Horizontal launchers of tomahawks for older ships. Non-
American ships, but American allies. All newer American ships have vertical
b. The US announces N. Korea attack. Pakistan and India small nukes. Iran shoots all
sorts of stuff at Israel. China attacks Taiwan. ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
i. There was new tech used. The plan is to use ballistic missiles against the
aircraft carrier group to be nuked all at once.First large earthquake hits Utah in a Spring month. It’s big and does damage. But, not
irreparably so.1st of 3 Plagues – purple legions
2nd of 3 Plagues – white legions
The gathering “Callout by the Church Leaders” starts in the Summer. It is progressive in
stages.3rd of 3 Plagues – a plague of “fear” – where people die because of fear.
Financial collapse – some materials in Hector’s account speak of inflation. Some speak of
deflation. (Yes, Hector thinks so. It comes here.)American women and children walking West.
a. Some things in between
i. A lot of groups including “Plan 92” claim rightful rule in the USA. Internal
Civil War. Then Great Britain and France can’t tell the legitimate
ii. UK and France call the U.N. – They send troops from different nations
including China and Russia. Once the Chinese and Russian troops find the
US in disarray, they call home to alert their leaders of the chaotic scene on
American soil. The Chinese invade from West and Russians invade from
East. Russia and China didn’t want to invade again because they lost WW3
earlier, and were afraid of American military power.
iii. No farming or agriculture.Concentration camps are setup for the saints
a. Looked like American Soldiers and Chinese soldiers with similar green uniforms.
i. Couldn't tell if the American soldiers were working with Chinese military
leaders or if they were prisoners of war and compelled to cooperate.
b. China grabs the information from the Utah County NSA station to locate the
dangerous people and shoot them. Then they round up other people and kill them
too, because there are simply too many of them.Second large earthquake hits Utah in a Fall month later that same year. It does massive
damage. The type of which the world has not known. The epicenter seems to be The
Point of The Mountain between Salt Lake and Utah Counties. The damage described in
Hector’s book would be akin to the largest earthquake to ever hit planet earth. Much
larger damage than the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, 1964 8.6 magnitude Alaska
Earthquake, and the 1812 New Madrid Earthquake which caused the Mississippi River to
run upstream for 8 hours and form new lakes. That is the level of damage that is
described in Hector’s book.
a. Hector talked with Spencer about this vision. They had several hours talking
together. Hector is continually discovering bits and pieces from other dreamers.
b. I-15 is covered in debris. Lots of dams break and Provo gets wiped out with water.
Also water breaks out in Salt Lake City. The Point of the Mountain sand liquefies.Giant flood in Provo as the 2nd earthquake broke the Deer Creek Reservoir Dam.
Chinese invasion into America and even Utah County, because of the large natural
disasterHuge 100ft tsunami from a volcano in the Canary Islands in the Atlantic to wipe out
Florida and the East Coast of USA. 3rd Earthquake
a. This is quite a ways into the future. Hector says this is in Isaiah. This is when the
Earth shakes to and fro as a drunken man.California dropped off into the sea from the San Andreas Fault.
The Elders of the LDS Church beat back the Chinese with priesthood power.
Zion travel to Jackson County Missouri.
That is it. These are the major focus points of the scenes in Hector’s visions.
There is also a reprinting of 1906 Springville UT Patriarch Charles D. Evans vision. Which
show similar things as in Hector’s visions.
In Hector and my conversation about the veracity of the timeline in his work, Hector wanted my
readers to know that he has been reaching to understand his visions by contacting and
consulting with other dreams and visions authors including Spencer, of Visions of Glory.
This may be why many of the pink additions above seem to be right out of Visions of Glory.
Yet, they were not included in Hector’s original work.
Since 2014, none of these things on Julie Rowe’s, Spencer’s, nor Hector’s timeline have come
to pass, yet. Hector and Julie have been warning of the initial large Utah earthquake that is to
happen in the spring. That is the lead event to kick-off the sequence of events recorded in
Hector’s and Julie’s visions.
Until that large earthquake happens in the spring months, there would not be evidence to
support the rest of the dreams or visions in sequence.
Both Julie and Hector have been saying since 2014 and 2015 respectively that, it’s going to
happen soon. I feel a prompting. Prepare right now.
Yet, it is 2018 and the large Utah earthquake in the spring months has not happened, yet.
How much time should go by before we conclude that Julie’s and Hector’s timeline is not
correct; OR so far into the future that the urgency factor of their messages didn’t matter?
And more…
Overall, Hector Sosa Jr. did a great job of presenting his visions in an easy-to-read format that
is digestible. However, we are left waiting for the 1st event as recorded in A Change is Coming,
to come-to-pass in real future history.