

















5G(5Gsub6 ですが)山の上のスマホ悪魔に電波が届き難い処だから、スマホ悪魔は最大出力で5Gsub6 を発して通信していたのです。

最大出力でないと、遠くの5Gsub6 の電波塔には届きません。




この病院は、遠くに5Gsub6 の電波塔が有ります。その電波塔まで電波が届くために、最大出力で5Gsub6 の周波数の電磁波を5G殺人スマホ悪魔が発していたのです。



その10名の殺人事件の1ヶ月前に、5Gsub6 の電波塔が4G基地局の代わりに建てられて、5Gsub6 を発するようになったときに、殺人事件で13名が死にました。


看護師か介護師が5G殺人スマホ悪魔を使って、やっと届く処に建った5Gsub6 の電波塔と交信をして、13名の高齢の患者が亡くなりました。

この、やっと届く処に建った5Gsub6 の電波塔、←←これが大問題です、







5Gsub6 は我々が初めて経験する4Gの2倍ほどの周波数。それも高周波です。5Gミリ波の超高周波ではありませんが、






1階の病棟でコロナ大騒動のときに、病棟は、病棟に備え付けの wifi-ルーターとの交信を許可として、看護師・介護師は全員、無料で使える wifi-ルーターとの交信に変えました、そして、コロナ大騒動は収まりました、


医師は、自分の部屋(病棟から離れている)に帰ってスマホ悪魔を扱いますし、パソコンから wifi-ルーターを介して通信することが多い、











5G Murder Smartphone Devil, Murder Case

There is a part in the Bible that describes how the masses kill each other with (the mark of the beast),
the masses are not aware that they are killing each other, but they are killing, many people

Note: The mystery of not being able to register the word “beast's mark” or “beast's mark” again, amen

Many people are dying in this killing, hundreds, thousands, maybe tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, maybe millions,
The same thing must already be happening in the cities, ←← they just don't realize it

In the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, the way they kill each other is described, and it was a chilling horror,

The masses are doing the same thing as in medieval wars, but they don't realize it,
that they are killing each other with the mark of the beast they have

but they don't realize that they are killing people,

they are killing people with the (Mark of the Beast) they have, but they don't realize that they are killing multiple people, lots of people,

they don't realize that they are killing people with the (Mark of the Beast) they have, the Book of Revelation,


At the psychiatric hospital on the mountain where Toshichan-man works, there was a 22-year-old man who was walking down the corridor with a 5G murder smartphone demon, and there were a succession of deaths from interstitial pneumonia ( ) in that ward.

However, because they tested positive for coronavirus, they were diagnosed with coronavirus, and the cause of death was listed as coronavirus.

Ten people died, and all of them were elderly people with dementia.

From the CT images, it was a typical interstitial pneumonia (←5G pneumonia).

The 22-year-old man was trying to get rid of his lack of exercise by walking back and forth in the hallway on that floor while using the 5G murder smartphone demon,
so interstitial pneumonia (←5G pneumonia) occurred abnormally only on that floor.

The test results came back positive for coronavirus.

The 5G (5Gsub6) signal was hard to pick up in the area where the smartphone demon was on the mountain, so the smartphone demon was transmitting at maximum power to communicate with the 5Gsub6 signal tower.

If it's not at maximum power, the signal won't reach the 5Gsub6 signal tower in the distance.

The 22-year-old man was an alcoholic who had been hospitalized, but he killed 10 elderly people with the 5G Murder Smartphone Devil.

He walked from one end of the corridor to the other for two hours every day to try to get rid of his lack of exercise. ←← While using the 5G Murder Smartphone Devil.

The hospital ward was in chaos. Corona was spreading and there was chaos.

This hospital has a 5G sub6 radio tower in the distance. In order for the signal to reach that radio tower, the 5G sub6 frequency electromagnetic waves were being emitted at maximum output by the 5G murder smartphone demon.

It was the latest 5G murder smartphone demon.


One month before the murders of the 10 people, a 5Gsub6 radio tower was built to replace a 4G base station, and when it started emitting 5Gsub6, 13 people died in the murders.

The culprit was a nurse or a carer.
I shouldn't be saying this, but

the nurse or carer used the 5G murder smartphone demon to communicate with the 5G sub6 radio tower that had been built in a place where it could barely be received, and 13 elderly patients died.

This 5G sub6 radio tower that has been built in a place where it can barely be received←←this is a big problem,

because it is in a place where it can barely be received, the 5G murder smartphone demon emits electromagnetic waves at full strength,

we should remember that in the 2G era, if you used a mobile phone in the mountains, the battery would run out quickly,

and in that 2G era, many people may have been killed by mobile phones that emitted extremely strong electromagnetic waves,

in the 2G era, mobile phones communicated with distant 2G radio towers,

There is an article that says communicating with this distant mobile phone tower is extremely dangerous, but I will send it to you later if I can find it.

However, in the 2G era, the frequency was low, and it seems that it was the electromagnetic wave of the frequency we were used to.

5G sub6 is a frequency that is about twice as high as the 4G we are used to. It is also a high frequency. It is not the ultra-high frequency of 5G millimeter waves, but

I will write about the murder that took place a month before.
The previous story was about the second floor ward. This time, it will be about the first floor ward. It is also divided into two.

One of the two is a ward with many relatively young and healthy patients, and only one person died,

the other was a ward for dementia patients, and it could be said that they were all elderly, with 12 deaths, interstitial pneumonia (5G pneumonia), which was clear from the CT images

the ward was in chaos, and when they tested them, they tested positive for coronavirus. What were they testing for? It seemed that they were measuring the proteins that come out of high temperatures over 38.5 degrees,

After the coronavirus outbreak in these two wards, 10 people died in the ward on the second floor

During the Corona Outbreak on the first floor, the nurses and caregivers all switched to using the free wifi-router, and the Corona Outbreak subsided.

one month later, 10 people died due to the 22-year-old male patient who was hospitalized for alcoholism walking for 2 hours a day (to build up his strength),

doctors are not included,
doctors go back to their rooms (which are far from the ward) and deal with the smartphone devil, and they often communicate via wifi-router from their computers,

nurses and caregivers are making a big fuss about corona-corona without realizing that they are killing people,



Also, in the city, it is said that the oxygen saturation level often falls below 90%, but in the countryside without 5G, this is unthinkable,

in the CT scans of people whose oxygen saturation levels fall below 90%, they should have interstitial pneumonia (5G pneumonia),

even in the countryside, many people who use the smartphone demon show CT images of interstitial pneumonia (), amen

even with 4G, you can get interstitial pneumonia (), it's less severe than full-blown pneumonia with 5G, amen

They are not aware of it, and probably their oxygen saturation is below 90%,

but in the countryside, oxygen saturation is not measured, so they don't know, and although the CT images show that they have interstitial pneumonia, amen

In the countryside, there may be many cases of murder using smartphone demons that are happening without people knowing, amen


toshiro man 