





0:34 (4 時間前)
To 自分
Nothing to thank!

Enough is enough and I hope we will become many to resist these crazyness.

If you need more information I would be happy to send them to you.

Wishing you a happy new year out there in Japan a country I like very much.


彼らが認めていないのは、C ジャブの有無にかかわらず、私たち全員がすでに持っているバイオサイバー インターフェイスだけです。そして、頭上のドローンから読み取ることができる温度や心拍数などの天然バイオセンサーです。




化学およびバイオテクノロジー研究所 (ICBT) は、ZHAW の科学研究所の 1 つです。抗生物質耐性や抗ウイルス剤からマイクロプラスチックやより持続可能な化学プロセスまで、健康、化学、バイオテクノロジー、環境に関する最先端のトピックに関する応用研究を行っています。この研究所は、3 つの学士課程と 2 つの修士課程で、成長を続けるライフ サイエンス市場に向けて若者を育成しています。


この研究所の所長は、クリスチャン ヒンダーリング教授です。彼の意見は次のとおりです。
「現代の最も差し迫った課題には、気候変動、原材料の不足、優れたヘルスケアなどがあります。現在、化学、生物学、テクノロジー、医学の接点で有望なソリューションが開発されています。当研究所は、まさにこの接点で研究と教育を行っています。これが、当研究所がスイスでユニークな理由です。」 (著者による強調)

Gregg Bradon の動画をぜひ聞いてください: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7my-dylGVuw   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7my-dylGVuw  また、Rumble で Sabrina Wallace と Shawn から情報を得てください (psinergy と nonvaxer420、または X または Telegram で見つけてください)。サブリナは子供の頃、両親が狂った人間たち(もはや人間ではないが、彼らの目標は人間2.0として永遠に生きることなので)のために働いていたときにバイオセンサーの検査を受けた。トランスヒューマニズム。brainbridgeも調べてみてください:

最新の狂気はhttp://brainbridge.tech/   http://brainbridge.tech/



もうすぐ私は気が狂います。いつになったら逆風が吹くのでしょうか? これらの狂人は止めなければなりません、今すぐ止めなければなりません。









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The only thing they don t admet are the biocyber interfaces we all have already in us with or without the C - jabs! And the nat. biosensors like temperatur, haertbeats etc. tehy can read from drones over our heads

You can learn all of biosensors and much more every where even in my country for exemple at the Fachhochschule Nordwest Schweiz.

Or at the
Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology

The Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology (ICBT) is one of the scientific institutes at the ZHAW. It conducts applied research on cutting-edge topics relating to health, chemistry, biotechnology and the environment - from antibiotic resistance and antiviral agents to microplastics and more sustainable chemical processes. The institute trains young people for the growing life sciences market in three bachelor's programmes and two master’s courses.

Our understanding of chemistry and biotechnology is that it involves the linking of discoveries in the natural sciences with technological knowledge, with the aim of applying biological systems to the analysis and manufacture of products. The focus is on applications in the areas of pharma, food and ecology

The head os this instutute is Prof. Dr. Christian Hinderling. Here his opinion:
«The most pressing challenges of our time include climate change, the scarcity of raw materials and good healthcare. Promising solutions are currently being developed at the interface between chemistry, biology, technology and medicine. Our institute researches and teaches precisely at this interface. This makes us unique in Switzerland.» (emphasise from the author)

Please listen to Gregg Bradon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7my-dylGVuw and get informed by Sabrina Wallace and Shawn on rumble (psinergy and nonvaxer420 or find them on X or on telegram). Sabrina was tested for biosensors as a child her parents worked for these crazy humans(or not humans anymore because their goal is to live for every as human 2.0. TRANSHUMANISM. Look up also brainbridge:

The latest crazy thing is http://brainbridge.tech/

Now they have developed robots that transfer the heads of terminally ill people to a brain dead body at lightning speed!!!

They say that the neurons live up to 700 years and so if you get sick you can buy a young healthy body to live on!!!!!!!!

Soon I'll go crazy. When will there finally be a headwind? These madmen must be stopped, and they must be stopped now.

It has always been proven that the brain dead are not dead at all and can wake up at any time!!!!!!

This happened recently at the organ harvesting centre in New York.

The press kept quiet, of course.


Hopefully the efforts of Sabrina and Shawn to communicate the urgency of publicising these technologies will bear fruit next year. We never consent to be transformed. This is the biggest crime ever against humanity and the Creator!
At least we must be informed by now and have a open discussion! I am for ever grateful for this two beautiful souls Sabrina and Shawn who are working with such effort for such a long time.

Have a great day !


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toshiro man 