








1930年代には、この驚くべき技術に投資する者はいなかった。 なぜか?



The manipulation of the American mind: Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations“The most interesting man in the world.” “Reach out and touch someone.” “Finger-lickin’ good.” Such advertising slogans have become fixtures of American culture, and each year mill…






2022/4/13 9:30に。

Seems a vain hope to me. The cell phone system is designed to create addicts. And it does. To expect addicts to suddenly stop feeding their addiction, is not a realistic expectation.

The entire world is not like India, where everybody goes on strike at the same time and does not go to the store nor go to work. This behavior causes immense pressure on the local officials and as businesses complain more and more loudly to the officials, until the officials are forced to leave office and the laws and behaviors of the state are forced to change.

The only possible solution is one of the 5 alternative communications technologies that do not use radio waves. I have published on one of them.

The best is the approach developed and demonstrated to the public back in 1930. Tesla had both hand-held and wall-sized consoles that could be used to communicate to anyone else with a similar device.

He demonstrated wall-sized full color 3 dimensional television which was powered by a small sphere which was linked through the aether to the transmission stations which provided both electrical power and information the transmission stations also had spheres of exactly the same size and weight and materials as the balls which obtained the energy and information from the electric aether.

Both portable devices and wall consoles were "self-powered" by the ball which was in mass-aether-resonance with the transmission facilities and thus produced electricity to power the viewing devices. No batteries needed and no connection of any kind to the standard 60 cycle electricity power grid was required. Both the electricity and the communications provided, were wireless and aether-based.

Tesla constructed a subscriber service for which customers paid a small monthly fee. Each subscriber had their own independent channel. What the customers did with their communications channel and devices was entirely personal and confidential. Privacy in communications was assured.

There were no investors in this amazing technology during the 1930s. Why?

It is about mind-control of the masses and the narratives that the "elite" wants the public to believe, with psychologies designed along the lines of the publications of Bernays during the 1920s.

They didn't want Tesla's invention, which resulted in independent thought and personal privacy that could not be invaded.

The manipulation of the American mind: Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations“The most interesting man in the world.” “Reach out and touch someone.” “Finger-lickin’ good.” Such advertising slogans have become fixtures of American culture, and each year mill…


The "covid" narrative is a good example of the Bernays methodology.

5G is another.

Best Wishes,


On 4/13/2022 9:30 AM,


toshiro man 