Gakugei University is a city that has been constantly talked about as new types of popular restaurants are opening one after another.
I sniffed that a new second-hand clothing store was opened in such a favorite town, and immediately went to patrol as a second-hand clothing investigation team.
The shop is a 1-minute walk from the west exit ticket gate of Gakugei University Station.
Is it easier to say that it is next to Mr. Hanatako, who moved from the Gohongi intersection in 2019? (The price of 250 yen for 6 pieces remains unchanged)
The store has a modern appearance that is unified in white both in appearance and interior. By using white as the base color, colorful second-hand clothes shined even more inside the store. It's a mood second-hand clothing store, isn't it like an ant here?
Personally, I love the primary colors such as red and orange, but even so, I think it's rare to find a store with so many bright primary colors and warm colors, so I'm rushing into the owner. Lol! That's the selection because of the store owner's taste and color, and above all, his love for second-hand clothes.
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