【禅語Zen Words】一灯照一隅(いっとういちぐうをてらす)One Light Illuminates a Corner
One Light Illuminates a Corner
This is a line from the phrase "One light illuminates a corner, ten thousand lights illuminate the whole country". It is said that Saicho, the founder of Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei in Kyoto, brought this saying back from his travels in Tang Dynasty China.
It is said that ‘one light’ symbolises the Buddha and his teachings. The phrase expresses that the light of the Buddha’s teachings first illuminated those closest around him but now illuminates the whole country as his teachings become known by many people.
Now, 2,500 years after the Buddha's time, we live in an age where we can communicate with people on the other side of the world with a single click. Originally, we were only able to instantaneously communicate face-to-face, but we have now developed technology which allows us to communicate instantaneously to 8 billion people who we have never met before. The phrase "One light illuminates a corner, ten thousand lights illuminate the whole country" has now become "One light illuminates a corner, a hundred million lights illuminate the entire earth" - and this can happen in a fraction of a second.
It used to be that a neighbour was someone we could only meet face-to-face. But now, it is possible for all 8 billion of we humans to become neighbours. This seems to be an incredible thing, but is this what we really want if it is going to result in conflict with one another? We humans have not experienced this situation before, and I pray that the "hundred million lights shining on the earth" will not be a conflagration of strife that will set the entire planet on fire, but rather a warm light that shines with mutual respect.
As we live in the era of “a hundred million lights shining on the earth" there is something that I personally try to keep in mind: each of the 8 billion lights is a different colour. We can feel in our daily life that even the people closest to us have different colours of light. If there comes a time when 8 billion people have the same colour of light, I believe it should be considered a dangerous conflagration of humanity. Instead, we can ask ourselves; am I aware of the differences in colours? Am I afraid of the differences? Can we live together despite different colours? Perhaps the first step is to look properly at the colour of the most familiar light; that of our own.