【禅語Zen Words】江水一蛍流 (こうすいにいっけいながる) A firefly falling into the water and flowing down the river.

江水一蛍流 (こうすいにいっけいながる)








"Kosui ikkeini nagaru"

This Zen phrase describes the scene of a firefly falling into the water and flowing down the river.

Do you know what the life of a firefly looks like?

Fireflies are usually seen in Japan around June, when they lay their eggs on the water's edge. The larvae immediately enter the water and spend about a year in the water, feeding on shellfish and other organisms. In spring, the larva crawls into the soil along the riverbank to become pupae, hatches a few weeks later then crawls out of the soil as an adult.

The life span of an adult is said to be about 10 days. Adults do not feed, but live by sucking up water. During their adult life, they mate and lay eggs to complete their life. The light of the firefly we see is like the light of life for a few days only, just before the firefly finishes its life.

Once again, this Zen word represents a firefly that is born out of water, finishes its short life, falls into the water, and flows away.

It is a cycle of life, arising from water, passing the baton then returning to the water again. Life that emits a faint light for a short period of time, then heads toward death.

My life is the same. This Zen phrase reminds me of that.
