
【禅語Zen Words】春来草自生(はるきたって くさおのずからしょうず)Spring comes, the grass grows by itself.

春来草自生(はるきたって くさおのずからしょうず)






Spring comes, the grass grows by itself.

A Zen passage states, “If you sit quietly and calmly, the grass will grow by itself when spring comes.” It is interpreted to mean that if one abandons all thought and just does zazen in silence, one will surely be enlightened when the time comes, just as grass naturally grows in the spring.

When spring comes, plants and trees sprout. No matter how people interpret it, that is reality, that is nature. The right thing happens at the right time. In the same way, if you do zazen silently, the path will surely open up at the right time. This is the reality and nature of zazen. If we look at this from the perspective of everyday life, we are encouraged that even if we feel that our life is not opening up as we would like, the time will surely come when it will, so it is important to continue to devote ourselves to it day by day.

By the way, the budding in spring of plants and flowers is symbolic, a bright event that reminds us of the beginning of things. By contrast, during winter time we have the image of enduring the cold and waiting patiently for spring to arrive. However, I believe that the image of plants and flowers 'enduring winter and waiting for spring' is 'just the way it looks' to we humans.

During the winter, the flowers and leaves, which are a prominent part of many plants, wither and fall away, appearing to we humans that they are at a standstill or even 'withering = death'. However, if you look closely at plants, you can see that when they drop their leaves in autumn, the next buds are already ready or they have gone to seed and are changing rapidly, even during the winter, out of sight of the human eye.

Even though it appears to the human eye that the plant is waiting for the right moment, it is always undergoing a process of change. I don't think there is ever a moment where it is waiting. I think the same thing about zazen. It is not about "sitting quietly = enduring the winter" with the aim of "enlightenment = the budding of spring", but that the moment of sitting itself is everything, no matter when it is. Regrets about the past that can't be changed, fears about a future that hasn't yet happened, etc., are only in your mind. What is happening in front of you right now is 100% reality. It is a technique for stripping yourself of your own beliefs and getting to know reality. I believe that this is zazen.

The time is always ripe and 'the time' is always coming.
