【禅語Zen Words】風吹不動天辺月(かぜふけどもどうぜず てんぺんのつき)The moon does not move when the wind blows.

風吹不動天辺月(かぜふけどもどうぜず てんぺんのつき)







The moon does not move when the wind blows.

The heavenly moon does not move an inch, despite any great wind. In the same way, even when disturbed by anxiety, fear, prejudice, or attachment, the true heart remains intact.

While practising zazen, I often think about the words ‘common sense’ and ‘prejudice’. When I look up the meaning of the word ‘common sense’, I find that it means the ‘ordinary knowledge and prudence that all healthy people have or should have in common’.

This makes me think of the ambiguity of the meaning of the word ‘common sense’ and the power of this word to bind people's thinking. What kind of person do we mean by a healthy person? What is the normal level of ordinary knowledge and discretion? Is it defined by the majority?

Knowledge and thoughtfulness, which are created by the environment in which a person has lived and the information he or she has been exposed to, vary from person to person. No one lives in exactly the same environment as you do. For example, if you go to a foreign country, you may think that the culture is different and the common sense is different, but the closer you are to someone, the more you are likely to forget this.

It is natural that one's own common sense may overlap with the common sense of others, but in the end, I think that common sense basically means ‘whatever I think is normal for me at the moment’. And I believe that looking at things with blind faith in one's own personal common sense as ‘sound’, ‘normal’, or ‘common’ can lead to distorted or biased thinking.

It is easy for me to think that my own common sense is the common sense of everyone. I believe that my own common sense is what common sense actually is. And I look at the world through that lens of bias. However, I want to question my own common sense by being exposed to as many other forms of ‘common sense’ as possible. Not only the common sense of people other than myself, but also the common sense of pine trees, ants, killifish, monkeys, stars, viruses and everywhere else that I can observe, learn, and imagine.

If you feel something is not right, why don't you first question your ‘common sense’? Even entrenched common sense and prejudice are like the wind that changes and passes away.

The moon, which cannot be shaken by the wind, will be there as ever.






