



 このような経緯から、この映画の制作主体であるアステリズムとして、自宅待機されている方が少しでも楽しめるよう、本来イベントでの上映とDVD・Blu-rayの販売のみを行っている『世界のあいだ』を、YouTubeにて期間限定で無料公開することにいたしました。期間は、本来『希望のかけら』を公開予定だった五月祭の当初の開催予定日である5月17日までとします。この期間内に、監督の私が映画をライブ配信しつつ、制作の舞台裏などについてのコメントをしていくイベント等も開催したいと思います(詳細はTwitter @TormisNarno_JPN またはホームページ firraksnarre.com にて今後発信予定です)。

 また、この映画を気に入ってくださった方は、ぜひYouTubeチャンネル「Firraksnarre」と「Tormis Narno」へのチャンネル登録や、いいね、コメント等をお願いいたします。また、映画を高画質・高音質(5.1 チャンネルサラウンド)で視聴したい方、期間終了後もご覧になりたい方、また映画の制作過程の様子を収めた90分のドキュメンタリー映像にご興味のある方は、商品情報を記載したこちらのページをご参照の上、私のホームページのコンタクトフォームにお求めの商品と数量、住所を記載したメッセージをいただければ幸いです。売り上げは全て次回作『希望のかけら』ほか1作品の撮影・上映会運営費用に充てられます。


中野 智宏

'Between the Two Worlds' Now Available Online for Free for a Limited Time

Hello, my name is Tomohiro Nakano, a director of a feature-length student film called Between the Two Worlds, which I created with my friends at university spanning from 2018 to 2019. The narrative of this film is based on a ‘constructed world’, a fictional universe with detailed and dense settings, and has been chosen as one of the ‘Highlights’ of May Festival and Komaba Festival at the University of Tokyo, while the constructed world itself was featured in nation-wide television programmes, newspapers and magazines such as NHK’s ‘Shin-Nihon-Fudoki’, Mainichi-Shimbun, and President Family.

In the current situation where self-quarantine has been in effect as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, the production of the sequel Fragments of Hope (and another, whose name is yet to be announced) has stopped, and the principal photography has not even finished. Thus, we are forced to postpone the premiere of Fragments of Hope and its sequel, and the release dates could not be re-determined until there is any indication as to when the pandemic would come to an end. We would like to apologise to our fans who had been waiting for the two new films.

On the other hand, we are delighted to announce that Between the Two Worlds, the first film in our ‘Firraksnarre: Hic Mundus’ trilogy, will be available on YouTube for free for a limited time! The film will be open for viewing starting from today until May 17th, the day the May Festival was initially going to take place (where Fragments of Hope would have been up for screening). We hope that this film will allow our audiences to have a good time at home in this difficult time. Meanwhile, I also plan to hold a public viewing/live streaming event of the film as I comment on the film in real-time.

If you liked this film, please be sure to like the video, comment, share and subscribe to the channel ‘Firraksnarre’ and ‘Tormis Narno’!

With sincere wish that this film would help our audience endure the coming months with strength and hope,
Tomohiro Nakano a.k.a. Tormis Narno
Conworld creator, student film director


中野智宏/Tormis Narno