2. 勉強進捗


順序プロビットモデル(Ordered Probit Model)


Stataでは、「reg y x」 を、「oprobit y x」 に置き換えるだけである。probitを用いるときに、説明変数がダミー変数ならば「oprobit y i.x」としなければならないことに注意して欲しい。




Sorensen, Todd, Supriya Sarnikar, and Ronald L. Oaxaca. 2012. "Race and Gender Differences under Federal Sentencing Guidelines." American Economic Review, 102 (3): 256-60.

1. Summary
– What is the research question?
RQ : “Does the judge discriminate against race or gender during a period in which the Federal Sentencing Guidelines were in effect?”
– What do the authors do in the paper to answer that question?
Authors introduced a model of judge’s sentencing preferences and solved the utility maximization problem. Specifically, they solved the problem for the ideal sentence for a convinced defendant, taking into account the cost of deviating from the sentencing guidelines.
– What do they find?
Individual circumstances (age, marital status, etc.) influence sentencing decisions. Furthermore, sentencing gaps by race and gender exist even with the addition of control variables.

2. Main contribution
– What is the main contribution of this study in comparison to previous studies?
Many of the previous studies estimated judicial gender or racial bias with few control variables, which led to omitted variables bias or sample selection bias. Therefore, we conducted our analysis using government sentencing data, which contain diverse information.
