Team Alignment in Content Developmentコンテンツ開発でのチーム提携
Team Alignment in Content Development
Yashenka Nesmith
May 15, 2021
ヤシェンカ ネスミス著
The Challenge of Continuous Development in Agile
At Workday, the Information Experience team in technical documentation operates in an Agile continuous development environment, where writers draft, edit, review, and publish documentation on a weekly basis. Teams make significant efforts to stay on top of product changes, collect material from stakeholders, and process content for publication — prioritizing content alignment without sacrificing quality. Everyone who participates in the process has different challenges and goals:
平日、技術ドキュメンテーションの情報経験チームは機敏な絶え間がない開発環境で営業し、そこで執筆者が週単位でドキュメンテーションを立案し、編集し、再検討して、出版します。 チームは製品の変化の頂上に留まって、利害関係者から材料を集めて、そして出版のためにコンテンツを処理するために(品質を犠牲にしないでコンテンツ提携に優先順位を付けて)重要な努力をします。 プロセスに関与する皆が異なった挑戦とゴールを持っています:
l Writers need to understand the nuances of every feature and translate them into simple English, so customers can quickly assess the impact on their businesses.
l Editors need to refine large volumes of content based on feedback from product managers and other stakeholders.
l Product managers continuously update their development plans and need to notify writers and other stakeholders of feature changes throughout the release.
l Services gather information and determine how new releases will affect customers.
l Content curators process relevant information from stakeholders collaborating on each feature throughout the release and then provide customers with insight into the products.
Everyone was using different tools, such as spreadsheets and email, to draft, review, and publish content, which could lead to problems with version control. Workday needed to redefine and unify the release notes process so that it’s flexible enough to scale with the organization, as well as help writers and other stakeholders maintain consistent messaging without duplication of effort.
A Collaborative Content Development Process
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