私が弱気市場から生き残るであろうと信じる4つの仮想通貨 4 Cryptos I Believe Will Survive the Bear Market
4 Cryptos I Believe Will Survive the Bear Market

Josh Lelito
ジョシュ レリート著
Jun 17, 2022
Cryptocurrency is in a bear market. Since November 2021, the entire crypto market capitulation has lost over 60%.
Bear markets are times when many coins die and trend toward zero. Projects with bad fundamentals get flushed out of the market. This is healthy since it removes scam-like cryptos from the space. It’s important to find coins that will survive the bear market.
弱気市場は多くのコインが消えて、そしてゼロに向かう傾向の時です。 良くないファンダメンタルズのプロジェクトが市場から追い出されます。 それが詐欺のような仮想通貨をその場から追い出しますから、これは健全なことです。 弱気市場から生き残るコインを見いだすことは重要です。
I’ll give my thoughts on 4 coins that I believe will survive this bear market and thrive after it’s over.
1. Bitcoin
source: Reuters
Bitcoin ($BTC) has some of the strongest fundamentals compared to other cryptos in the space.
Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency created in 2010 so it has been through many bear markets. It also is the most decentralized and widely distributed so there are no “insiders” who are planning to sell their coins when their vesting unlocks.
Bitcoin has also been deemed to be a commodity by the CFTC so there is more regulatory clarity around it than most coins. Large institutions such as Tesla, MicroStrategy, and Square have all invested in Bitcoin which gives the asset credibility.
Bitcoin will survive this bear market and will most likely outperform other coins as investors see Bitcoin as the least risky cryptocurrency.
ビットコインがこの弱気市場から生き残り、投資家が ビットコインを最も危険が少ない暗号通貨として見るから、最も見込みが高く他のコインを凌ぐでしょう。
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