わずか7日間で200米ドルを1万7千米ドルに暗号通貨で変換した方法がこちら。(Here is how I turned USD200 into USD 17k in just 7 days in cryptocurrency.)
Here is how I turned USD200 into USD 17k in just 7 days in cryptocurrency.
Shogun Saski
Dec 7, 2023
This ain’t clickbait and no, its not a get rich quick article. I am writing this article to purely explain to you a simple method I used 3 days ago to achieve the mentioned success.
It’s so silly and simple that even an 8 year old can pull it off.
I did it and you too may do it. Here is the story.
For so many days, I have been an ardent follower of the cryptocurrency markets. I understand technical analysis but most importantly, I follow the news, the vibe, the noise and even the hype. While watching the trends on #coinmarketcap , I started to notice an interesting movement in the price action of several serious cryptocurrencies. Some of these were moving due to fundamental factors while others were outright pumps by elements in the crypto space. I have written before about pump and dumps. Masters of pumps have actually made crazy money in crypto. (tread pumps with extreme caution).
何日もの間、私は暗号通貨市場の熱烈なフォロワーでした。テクニカル分析は理解していますが、最も重要なのは、ニュース、雰囲気、ノイズ、さらには誇大広告まで追いかけていることです。#coinmarketcap のトレンドを見ていると、いくつかの深刻な暗号通貨の価格行動に興味深い動きがあることに気づき始めました。その中には、ファンダメンタルズ要因による動きもあれば、仮想通貨空間の要素によるあからさまな価格操作によるものもありました。私は以前に価格操作について書きました。価格操作の達人たちは、実際に仮想通貨でクレイジーなお金を稼いでいます。(価格操作には細心の注意を払ってください)。
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