
今や仮想通貨プロジェクトのトップ100の一つ、オンドを探る(Exploring Ondo, Now A Top 100 Crypto Project)

Exploring Ondo, Now A Top 100 Crypto Project

Chip Mahoney

Published in Cryptocurrency Scripts

Mar 25, 2024
2024 年 3 月 25 日

Ondo has made its way into the top 100 of all cryptos faster than a Blockchain can run a smart contract. But how far can it go?

In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, innovation and disruption reign supreme. On the next episode of Shill Kill, where I pair a crypto review with a true crime case, we delve into the world of Ondo before getting into the true crime mystery (if you’re new to crypto and love true crime, follow the show so you get it when it drops.) For now, though, I want to preview Ondo because the bull run is coming and you don’t have time to waste.
進化し続ける暗号通貨の状況では、革新とディスラプションが支配的です。「Shill Kill」の次のエピソードでは、暗号のレビューと実録犯罪事件を組み合わせ、実録犯罪のミステリーに入る前にオンドの世界を掘り下げます(仮想通貨に不慣れで実録犯罪が好きな方は、番組がリリースされたときに手に入れることができるように、番組をフォローしてください)。しかし、今のところは、強気相場が来て、無駄にしている時間がないため、オンドを下見したいと思います。

The Rise of Ondo:

Ondo’s mission is to usher in a new era of financial inclusivity and market efficiency through on-chain institutional-grade financial products and services. They are partnered with Coinbase and BlackRock, and that should tell you all you need to know. But… like anything in crypto, it pays to DYOR and be well-informed of everything going on with the project.


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