
ウォール街の新資産クラス: グレースケールはBTCのETF時代を生き残るのか?(Wall Street’s new asset class: Will Grayscale survive the Bitcoin ETF era?)


〜11月21日 14:30

Wall Street’s new asset class:
Will Grayscale survive the Bitcoin ETF era?

Grayscale has a “massive” head start, but will the Wall Street firms like BlackRock and Fidelity soon overtake GBTC?


‎January 31, 2024

For years, institutions seeking Bitcoin exposure went to Grayscale Investments, with its more than $28 billion in BTC assets under management (AUM) dwarfing its closest competitor several times over.

All that changed on Jan. 11, when 10 firms launched spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the United States for the first time after finally securing approval from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firms included Grayscale, which converted its decade-old Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) to an ETF.

Jan. 11 was a singular moment, not only for the crypto world but also for Wall Street. “It’s rare you get a new asset class into the lexicon of ETFs,” Todd Sohn, ETF strategist and managing director at Strategas Asset Management, told Cointelegraph. “We had equities back in 1993, bonds in 2002 and gold in 2004.”

But in addition to opening up a relatively pristine asset category to retail investors, Jan. 11 also set off a race. Which of the new ETFs is likely to prevail?

The Wall Street giants of BlackRock and Fidelity Investments? Or maybe the more crypto-focused asset managers, such as ARK Invest or Bitwise, both of whom gathered more than $500 million in AUM in their first two weeks? Or perhaps incumbent Grayscale, so long unchallenged? It reduced its annual 2% management fee to 1.5% for the ETF launch.
ブラックロックとフィデリティ・インベストメンツのウォール街の巨人たちか? それとも、ARK InvestやBitwiseなど、より仮想通貨に焦点を当てた資産運用会社で、どちらも最初の2週間で5億ドル以上のAUMを集めたのだろうか? それとも、長い間挑戦されなかった現保持者のグレースケールか? それはETFの発売のために、年間2%の管理手数料を1.5%に引き下げたから。

In terms of GBTC versus the others, it has a massive start, noted Sohn, “but if we are to take these first two weeks as any sign, it’s that issuers such as BlackRock and Fidelity are very serious about this product.”

Grayscale experienced sizable outflows in the first two weeks following the launches, but even after losing $5 billion in redemptions, it still retained $20.2 billion in AUM on Jan. 26. By comparison, BlackRock had about $2 billion and Fidelity had $1.75 billion at Friday’s closing, with the other ETFs further back.

Still, is GBTC likely to keep its enormous lead over the TradFi asset managers through the coming year?

And in the longer term, will we look back at Jan. 11 as a sort of changing of the guard, when blockchain startups and crypto-focused firms began to be swallowed up by Wall Street’s leviathans?

An industry hangover?

The Bitcoin price fell in the days following its spot ETF debut — by nearly 20% — and raised questions if the crypto industry had perhaps expected too much from the new investment vehicles.

Bitcoin price fell markedly after BTC spot ETFs launched on Jan. 11. Source: Cointelegraph


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10月22日 14:30 〜 11月21日 14:30
