The Role of the Information Architect in Technical Publications
Sabine Ocker, Comtech Services
Comtech サービス社、ザビーネ・オッカー著
“Architecture is a very grand term. Information Architecture isn’t about designing the next cathedral, but more like figuring out how big of a barn you can make out of a stack of pallets before it falls down.” CIDM Member
「アーキテクチャは非常に素晴らしい用語です。情報アーキテクチャは、次の大聖堂を設計することについてではありません、しかし、もっとあなたがそれの前にパレットのスタックからどれぐらい大きい納屋をつぶれる前に作ることができるか理解するようなものです。」 CIDM メンバー
In March, seventeen CIDM Members representing writing managers, content strategists, and information architects joined us to probe the question—what is the role of an information architect in your technical publications group? The short answer is, it is evolving.
3月に、執筆マネージャー、コンテンツ戦略家と情報アーキテクトを代表する17人の CIDM メンバーが疑問を探るために我々に合流しました - あなたの技術出版グループの情報アーキテクトの役割は何ですか? 端的に言うと、それは進化しているということです。
What does an information architect do? In 2005 JoAnn Hackos defined the role as such:
情報アーキテクトが何をしますか? 2005年にジョアン ハッコスはその役割を下記のようなものと定義しました:
• Investigating the requirements of the customers for the content and structure of information deliverables
• Understanding the underlying content structure of the information types that authors must produce and developing standards based on these structures
• Instantiating business rules into the structures to support authors and encourage compliance
• Creating structures that promote finding and reusing content in multiple contexts, including metadata schemes to label content appropriately for delivery to customers
• Creating an authoring environment that accommodates both the preferences of authors and the needs of the business for compliance with standards
• Developing standards for content assembly in multiple media that meet customer and business requirements
• Building stylesheets that apply appropriate formatting to content for each type of deliverable
(For the full article, see The Role of an Information Architect in the Technical Information-Development World)
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