
2023年9月に1セント未満で今、購入すべき最善の安い仮想通貨5つ The 5 Best Cheap Crypto to Purchase Now for Less Than One Cent in September 2023

The 5 Best Cheap Crypto to Purchase Now for Less Than One Cent in September 2023

Shogun Saski

Sept.10, 2023


There is a universe of promise beyond Bitcoin (BTC), despite the fact that it frequently steals the cryptocurrency spotlight. (You can also read about the upcoming altcoins to erupt in our most recent roundup of the top altcoins to buy in.)
暗号通貨のスポットライトを頻繁に盗むという事実にもかかわらず、ビットコイン (BTC) を超えた有望な世界があります。(また、購入すべきトップアルトコインの最新のまとめで噴火する今後のアルトコインについても読むことができます。)

The cryptocurrency market as a whole is currently going through a consolidation phase, largely due to Bitcoin, which has been failing to surpass the $30,000 barrier.

It’s crucial to remember that the market has experienced brief gains, notably in response to good news regarding an exchange-traded fund (ETF) for spot Bitcoin. Nevertheless, experts concur that the sector may experience a recovery in the upcoming months despite the general market slowdown.
特にスポットビットコインのための上場投資信託 (ETF)に関する良いニュースに応えて、市場は一時的な上昇を経験したことを覚えておくことが重要です。それにもかかわらず、専門家は、一般的な市場の減速にもかかわらず、セクターが今後、数か月で回復を経験する可能性があることに同意しています。

A report from Yahoo Finance claims that use of cryptocurrencies has significantly increased in Turkey. The ratio of cryptocurrency users in the nation has increased from 40% to 52% during the previous 18 months.
Yahoo Financeのレポートによると、トルコでは暗号通貨の使用が大幅に増加しています。国内の暗号通貨ユーザーの比率は、過去18か月で40%から52%に増加しました。

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5 Best Cheap Cryptocurrencies to Buy Now for Less Than One Cent in September 2023

Given this, a number of cryptocurrencies are available that are reasonably priced, giving investors a chance to benefit when the market turns around. Here are five cryptocurrencies that you should think about including in your portfolio the following week that are all under $0.10.

VeChain (VET)

According to the latest market report, VeChain (VET) is currently trading at $0.015, with a $21M 24-hour trading volume. VET’s price has increased little over the last day, by 1.03%, while its performance over the past week indicates a slight fall, by -0.43%. VeChain’s overall market capitalization is $1,136,056,339, and there are 73 billion VET tokens in circulation.

VeChain is on a mission to address data difficulties in a number of international businesses, including sustainability, food and beverage, healthcare, energy, and SDGs. It attempts to accomplish this by utilising distributed governance and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to build a strong ecosystem for trustless data exchange, which is essential for the real-time data requirements of the fourth industrial revolution.
Veチェ―ンは、持続可能性、食品・飲料、ヘルスケア、エネルギー、SDGsなど、多くの国際ビジネスにおけるデータの問題に対処することを使命としている。分散型統治とモノのインターネット (IoT)テクノロジーを利用して、第4次産業革命のリアルタイムデータ要件に不可欠な信頼できないデータ交換のための強力なエコシステムを構築することで、これを達成しようとしています。


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