
不労所得を得る方法:ソラーナ(SOL)での仮想通貨の貸付(How to make passive income: crypto lending on SOLANA (SOL).)

How to make passive income: crypto lending on SOLANA (SOL).


July31, 2024

Discover the power of generating passive income through crypto-lending on Solana in our latest article! Dive into how Solana’s robust ecosystem makes it an ideal platform for retail investors. Learn about leading DeFi protocols like Kamino Finance, MarginFI, and Save FINANCE, and how they can help you protect your savings from inflation while earning high passive income. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your financial strategy with innovative crypto-lending solutions!
ソラーナでの仮想通貨貸付けを通じて不労所得を生み出す力を、最新の記事でご覧ください。ソラーナの堅牢なエコシステムが、ソラーナを個人投資家にとって理想的なプラットフォームにしている理由を詳しくご紹介します。Kamino Finance、MarginFI、Save FINANCEなどの主要なDeFiプロトコルと、それらがインフレから貯蓄を守りながら高い不労所得を得るのにどのように役立つかについて学びましょう。革新的な仮想通貨の貸付けソリューションで金融戦略を強化するこの機会をお見逃しなく!


Passive income refers to earnings derived from activities in which the earner is not actively involved on an ongoing basis. Unlike traditional employment, where income is directly tied to the amount of time and effort invested, passive income streams generate revenue with minimal ongoing effort once they are set up. Common examples include rental income, dividend payments, interest from savings or bonds, and royalties from intellectual property. The primary allure of passive income lies in its potential to provide financial stability and time freedom, allowing individuals to earn money without the constraints of a conventional job.

One increasingly popular method of generating passive income in crypto-industry is crypto lending. This involves lending out cryptocurrency to borrowers in exchange for interest payments. Crypto lending platforms connect lenders with borrowers, offering competitive interest rates and the potential for significant passive income. The interest earned can vary based on the platform, the type of cryptocurrency lent, and market conditions. Crypto lending leverages the high volatility and growth potential of the crypto market, providing an innovative way to earn passive income.

This item continues a series of articles “Cryptocurrencies for beginners”. Or it’s better to say, “Cryptocurrencies for regular people, not crypto geeks”. In particular, this article is a development of the idea of how an ordinary retail investor can solve the problem of protecting savings from inflation with minimal risks. You can refresh your memory about previous articles at the following links:


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