
ビットコインETFの影響: 「革命的な変化」または巨大な「不発弾」?Impact of Bitcoin ETFs: ‘Revolutionary change’ or colossal ‘dud’?

Impact of Bitcoin ETFs: ‘Revolutionary change’ or colossal ‘dud’?
ビットコインETFの影響: 「革命的な変化」または巨大な「不発弾」?

As the dust settles on a momentous week for the crypto industry, what will be the lasting aftereffects?


March23, 2024

After pushing for more than a decade, the cryptoverse finally got what it wanted: Bitcoin BTC$41,073 for sale and trading on major United States stock exchanges — albeit in the form of an exchange-traded fund (ETF).
10年以上プッシュした後、クリプトバースはついにそれが望んでいたものを手に入れました:上場投資信託(ETF)の形ではあるが、米国の主要な証券取引所で販売および取引されるビットコインBTC $ 41,073。

But be careful what you wish for. No sooner had the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) handed the crypto sector a belated Christmas gift 10 years in the making than Bitcoin’s BTC$41,073 price pulled downward again.
10年以上プッシュした後、クリプトバースはついにそれが望んでいたものを手に入れました:上場投資信託(ETF)の形ではあるが、米国の主要な証券取引所で販売および取引されるビットコインBTC $ 41,073。

Many predicted that this drawback would happen, and it’s probably just a hiccup, but it raises questions about the aftereffects.

Will the SEC approval of 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs on Jan. 10 have long-term reputational consequences for Bitcoin, offering further validation that crypto has moved into the economic mainstream?

Will the ETFs really bring back customers who were burned during the crypto winter? Are individual investors ready to dive back into Bitcoin after the past years’ bankruptcies, scandals, and price gyrations?
ETFは、仮想通貨の冬にやけどを負った顧客を本当に呼び戻すことができるのでしょうか? 個人投資家は、過去数年間の倒産、スキャンダル、価格変動の後、ビットコインに戻る準備ができていますか?

What if major asset managers like BlackRock and Fidelity build their Bitcoin ETFs and nobody comes? What is the probability that the new ETFs — appearing for the first time on the New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange on Jan. 11 — will fail to gain traction with investors?

Reputationally enhanced?

Regarding enhancements of the so-called Bitcoin brand, “I believe SEC approval will cement Bitcoin’s reputation,” John Nahas, senior vice president of business development at Ava Labs, told Cointelegraph.
いわゆるビットコインブランドの強化について、「SECの承認はビットコインの評判を確固たるものにすると信じている」とAva Labsの事業開発担当シニアバイスプレジデントであるジョン・ナハスはコインテレグラフに語った。

Bitcoin was already in the economic mainstream before the approval, in his view, but the new U.S. ETFs “will only reinforce the early adopters, further solidify its many supporters and begin to convert the remaining skeptics,” explained Nahas. It will no longer be seen as a fringe or exotic asset but as one embraced by traditional financial players.

Chris Brodersen, managing director at business advisory and accounting firm Eisner Amper, was more measured, suggesting that what really matters still lies ahead. SEC approval is just that — “approval of a non-security commodity” — not an endorsement, he told Cointelegraph. “However, the result of the approval will be an expansion in the discussion of Bitcoin, its underlying technologies, and ultimately its value in a diversified portfolio.”


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