ドージコインの430億米ドルの質問、保有者は売りかそれとも保有か?(Dogecoin’s USD43Billion question, will holders sell or HODL?)
Dogecoin’s USD43Billion question, will holders sell or HODL?

Yumi Sumiko (Crypto writer)
Oct. 9, 2024
Dogecoin, the beloved cryptocurrency of the online community, finds itself in a decisive moment with 43 billion DOGE at stake. This substantial concentration of Dogecoin is currently being held within a narrow price range, suggesting a critical price battle is unfolding. The key question on everyone’s mind is whether the price of DOGE can rise above the current resistance or if it will struggle to break through.
A snapshot of on-chain data and market conditions
On-chain data reveals that approximately 43 billion DOGE is concentrated within a tight price cluster, which represents a significant number of holders unwilling to sell unless the price fluctuates in their favor. The significance of this cluster is highlighted by the fact that these holders have accumulated Dogecoin at a particular price range and are waiting to see if the market takes an upward turn. It creates an interesting dynamic — one in which these holders have the potential to influence market movements, either by selling to create resistance or holding on to drive prices higher.
オンチェーンデータによると、約430億DOGEがタイトな価格クラスターに集中しており、価格が自分に有利に変動しない限り、売却を望まない保有者がかなり多いことが分かっています。このクラスターの重要性は、これらの保有者が特定の価格帯でドージコインを蓄積し、市場が上向きになるのを待っているという事実によって強調されています。それは興味深いダイナミクスを生み出します - これらの保有者は、レジスタンスを生み出すために売るか、価格を上昇させるために保持することによって、市場の動きに影響を与える可能性があります。
Currently, there are approximately 13,700 addresses holding Dogecoin at what is considered a “breakeven” point. In other words, these holders are neither in profit nor loss. The cluster of addresses holding DOGE between the breakeven range of $0 and $0.11 reflects that many investors are cautiously waiting for market direction before making any significant moves.
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