1時間の作業で1.2k〜10k米ドルの不労所得を生じる方法(パート1)How I Plan to Generate 1.2k- 10k USD Passively Through an Hour’s Work — Part 1
How I Plan to Generate 1.2k- 10k USD Passively Through an Hour’s Work — Part 1
Subhashish C.
サブハシッシ C.
Mar 26, 2023
If you have been following my journey, you know that I am documenting each step of how I am generating sustainable passive income, on top of my active day job. There are multiple new streams that I’ve been dabbling with which I will share with you guys in due time when they become sustainable and consistent.
In my last article, I covered how I Earn $1230 every month through “display ads” and “search traffic” arbitrage led by Ed Zimbardi. I also documented the payouts that I received last month. If you missed those, do check them out.
前回の記事では、Ed Zimbardiが率いる「ディスプレイ広告」と「検索トラフィック」アービトラージを通じて、毎月1230ドルを稼ぐ方法について説明しました。また、先月受け取った支払いも証拠書類を提供しました。見逃した方はぜひチェックしてみてください。
In this article, I’ve covered how I am participating in the ZKSync and Starknet airdrops and the steps you need to take if you want to participate as well. These tokens when launched are very lucrative and going by the recently concluded Arbitrum airdrop (snapshot date: Feb 10, airdrop release: March 23), these two layer 2 solution tokens may generate $1200 to upwards of $10k per wallet — with just an hour’s work!
As the ZKSync and Starknet token snapshot dates near close, time is of the essence here if you wanna participate as well so do keep that in mind.
Crypto token airdrops can generate passive income in a few different ways:
1.Sell the tokens for cash:
One way to generate passive income from crypto token airdrops is to sell the tokens you receive for cash. If the tokens are listed on a cryptocurrency exchange, you can sell them for Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies, which can then be converted to cash. This requires minimal effort and can generate immediate income.
2. Hold the tokens for potential future gains:
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