
ビットコイン ETF — トロイの木馬Bitcoin ETF — a Trojan Horse

Bitcoin ETF — a Trojan Horse
ビットコイン ETF — トロイの木馬

Why cash-only ETFs contradict the basic idea of Bitcoin

Source: https://twitter.com/Ursli2015/status/1745952173521817748出典: https://twitter.com/Ursli2015/status/1745952173521817748

Maximilian Schima

Published in Financial Reflections
Financial Reflections に掲載

‎Jan. 19, 2024

In my last article on the Bitcoin ETF, I already explained why Satoshi Nakamoto would be disappointed with the people investing in this ETF. Based on new information about the ETF approval, I would like to explain below why my opinion has not changed so far.

On December 18, it was announced that the SEC will approve only cash-only transactions (deposits and withdrawals) while in-kind transactions will not be accepted. This means that a Bitcoin ETF can only be set up by purchasing Bitcoins with dollars. It is not possible for applicants to contribute existing bitcoins to the ETF.
12月18日、SECは現金のみの取引(入出金)のみを承認し、現物取引は受け付けないことが発表されました。これは、ビットコイン ETFは、ビットコインをドルで購入することによってのみ設定できることを意味します。申請者は、既存のビットコインをETFに拠出することはできません。

The reason for this could be that the SEC wants to give applicants a fair start on a level playing field. Grayscale, which already owns a Bitcoin Trust and already has Bitcoins itself, could otherwise contribute Bitcoins at the start. This would give the ETF a larger market capitalization and thus attract more investors.

Furthermore, the origin of the Bitcoins in the case of in-kind transfers is unclear. Cash-only would avoid this uncertainty.

The financial elite has woken up to Bitcoin

With the applications for Bitcoin ETFs, it becomes clear that the banks have understood that they need to take the reins back into their own hands. The crypto market was the “little man’s” chance to break free from the shackles of the traditional financial system. It still is, and I believe that the technology behind it will develop to such an extent that it will automatically replace the traditional system according to the principle of creative destruction, as Schumpeter so beautifully described it.


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