なぜ暗号通貨投資を予定するか?(Why schedule your cryptocurrency investments?)
Why schedule your cryptocurrency investments?
Do not let psychology affect your investments
Krypto Insights
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Scheduling cryptocurrency purchases at regular intervals is a great way to mitigate risk and earn profits over time, eliminating the stress of trying to buy crypto at its highest or lowest price. By investing small amounts in set regular installments over a longer period, you remove psychological factors like fear and excitement that may cause you to buy the top or panic sell the bottom.
一定間隔で暗号通貨購入の予定を立てることは、その最高あるいは最低価格で暗号を買おうとすることのストレスを削除して、長い間にリスクを和らげて、そして利益の収入を得る素晴らしい方法です。 より長い期間にわたって低額的分割払いに少額を投資することによって、あなた最高値で買うか、あるいは底値でパニック売りを起こさせるかもしれない不安と興奮のような心理的要因を取り除きます。
This is an investment strategy more commonly known as ‘dollar-cost averaging’. Dollar-cost averaging has gained popularity in recent years, as more and more people make use of its simplicity and relative security.
これはいっそう一般に「ドルコスト平均法」として知られている投資戦略です。 ますます多くの人々がその単純さと相対的な安全を利用するにつれて、ドルコスト平均法が近年人気を得てきています。
Trading crypto
The cryptocurrency market is still in its early stages and sudden, significant price movements remain common. If you’re holding crypto because you believe it will one day be the world’s main medium of exchange, such major price movements probably aren’t all that important — you’re simply ready for when the time comes. For others though, they can make it a very attractive asset to trade for profit.
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