
30~50倍になるアルトコインのポートフォリオ(30–50X Altcoin Portfolio)

30–50X Altcoin Portfolio

My Altcoin portfolio and prospects for the coming Bull Run

Sovereign Crypto

May 20, 2023

Perspective is everything. During the Bull Run, it was easy to lose sight of how absurd prices had gotten, how inflated the bubble was, and how far it could fall. The same is true of the Bear Market, where it seems we are always chasing a gain, getting impatient, and finally starting to wonder if this time will be different and prices will never increase.

These are by far the most important moments dictating the success of our portfolios. Control your emotions, make clear goals and targets, sell the euphoria, and buy the fear. Now is the time to research hard and find the conviction plays that you can hold well into the coming bull market and reap 30X, 50X, or even 100X returns.

This article will review my current Altcoin portfolio, my hot prospects, and my overall thesis for the next couple of years. Keep in mind, that we are likely in for a rollercoaster over the next 9–12 months, and you should keep dry powder for opportunities, and go hard into your strong conviction plays with a mind to hold for 18–24 months. NFA.
この記事では、私の現在のアルトコインのポートフォリオ、注目の展望、そして今後数年間の全体的なテーマをレビューします。今後 9 ~ 12 か月間はジェットコースターに見舞われる可能性が高いことを心に留めておいてください。チャンスに備えてドライパウダーを維持し、18 ~ 24 か月間持ちこたえるつもりで、強い信念を持った勝負に全力で取り組んでください。 NFA。

Investment Thesis

My approach is built on a few simple well-researched assumptions.

1. The next bull run will likely take place starting Q1/Q2 2024, and fizzle out in Q3/Q4 2025.
1.次の強気相場はおそらく 2024 年の第 1 四半期/第 2 四半期から始まり、2025 年の第 3 四半期/第 4 四半期には消滅するでしょう。

2. Major themes in the next bull run will likely include Gaming, Wallets, all-in-one DEXs, high-quality launchpads, and some as-yet-unknown narrative we have not even considered.
2.次の強気相場の主なテーマには、ゲーム、ウォレット、オールインワン DEX、高品質のランチパッド、そして私たちが検討すらしていないまだ知られていない物語が含まれる可能性があります。

3. Main goal is to buy and hold undervalued, high-conviction plays within these narratives.

4. Break the portfolio into 3 main categories. Adjust according to your risk profile. This will change naturally as prices move, likely skewing towards alts more in the bull, and ideally more to wealth protection at the tail end of the bull.

l  Speculative Alts (1/3rd)
投機的アルトコイン (1/3)

l  Blue Chip Alts (1/3rd)

l  Wealth/Profit Protection (1/3rd)
富/利益の保護 (1/3)

Current Portfolio Highlights:

Blue Chip Altcoins:


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