It's Time to Free the Middle Manager(英語→和訳④)
From Routers to Leaders
The good news is, middle manager still have a key role to playー that role just needs to evolve.
For decades, middle managers have been human routers: tracking project status, moving information across teams, and serving as intermediaries between junior employees and senior leaders.
In a remote work context, this communication is harder than ever, but the tactics that will be most effective in managing it have changed.
Rather than manually routing information, managers should identify and implement digital tools that can automate and complement human efforts.
One of the top stressors cited in our research was "time spent tracking others' workloads." Managers will be both more effective and less stressed if they leverage tools optimized for tracking remote and hybrid workforce, and then focus their own energy on building teams and developing talent.
This change requires middle managers and executives alike to loosen their grip on the flow of information, embracing a default-to-open culture that doesn't require the middle manager to decide what information should be shared across teams.
Managers will need to become comfortable with greater scrutiny and day-to-day accountability from their employees, but in return, employees will be empowered with the context they need to stay aligned and make quicker and better decisions.
①intermediaries (intermediaryの複数形)
中間の、 中継の、○○と○○との間を取り持つ
In short, the primary duty of these institutions is to act as financial intermediaries.要するに、金融機関はまさに金融を仲介する、そこに本分があるわけです。
② stressors (stressorの複数形)
ストレス要因、 ストレッサー、 侵襲要因
We need to leverage this company私たちは、この会社に投機する必要がある
leverage the money that is already availableすでに入手可能なお金を活用する
Public finance can leverage significant private investment.公的資金は、相当な民間投資を誘発する。
④loosen one's grip [hold] on ... …の握り[統制・支配]をゆるめる
⑤scrutiny 詳細な検査,綿密な調査;じろじろ見ること;監視