
成功例が一つできると「私にもできるかも」と多くの人が後に続きます Once one success story is established, many others will follow, saying "Maybe I can do it too".

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
I accidentally discovered this morning that Ugandan baseball player Dennis Kasumba has joined an independent league baseball team in Asahikawa, Hokkaido.

I was already aware of him from social media, where he shared creative training methods in Uganda, where proper training equipment is scarce.
I hadn’t paid particular attention to this player, but while scrolling through X this morning, I came across this post:

I also checked out the website of the team he belongs to.
I was surprised to see so many foreign players on the team, including Kasumba.
Four foreign players have already left the team.
I really hope that Kasumba will succeed with the Asahikawa Be Stars and eventually join an NPB team in the future.

Kasunba's instagram accound.

Yesterday, I wrote about the first Syrian to obtain a medical license in Japan.
There are athletes who won Japan’s first-ever medals in various events at the Paris Olympics.
When one person achieves something that most people think is impossible, it inspires others to think, "Maybe I can do it too," leading more and more people to follow.
Of course, being the second or third to succeed is also incredibly challenging.
But there is a significant difference between having zero and having one success story.
Kasumba's success will surely give hope not only to baseball players in Uganda but to all those playing baseball across Africa.

Last February, I wrote about a similar idea.
「一人ができると多くの人が「自分もできる」と思い始めますWhen one person can do it, many begin to think, "I can do it too!”」

== Japanese original ==


カスンバさんにはぜひ旭川Be Starsで活躍して、将来NPBのチームに入団してもらいたいですね。


ほとんどの人が、無理だなあ、できるわけない、と思っていたことを一人の人が実現すると、「私にもできるかもしれない」と思って、あとに続く人がどんどん出てきます。もちろん、2番目、3番目の人もすごく大変です。 でも、成功例がゼロと1とでは全く違います。

「一人ができると多くの人が「自分もできる」と思い始めますWhen one person can do it, many begin to think, "I can do it too!”」
