東京にミニパナマ運河があるそうです。体験したい! A mini Panama Canal in Tokyo. I want to experience it!

== English Translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Oh, I'd love to try this once!
There was a newspaper article that caught my attention when I read the headline.

"Exploring the Greater Tokyo Area: Experience the 'Mini Panama Canal' by Boat - Ogihashi Lock Gate (Koto Ward, Tokyo) - June 16, The Nikkei (Tokyo Edition)"

The scale is much smaller than the Panama Canal, but it operates on the same principle.
Ships are docked in a waterway connecting two locations with different water levels, and the water is adjusted to allow the ships to move forward.

I'm planning to experience it in July or August.

[Departing and Arriving at Nihonbashi] Panama Canal Experience Cruise

== Japanese original ==

<探訪 ググッと首都圏> 船で「ミニパナマ運河」体験 扇橋閘門(東京都江東区) 6月16日付日本経済新聞 首都圏版



