
自分がそのお店の人だったらどうするかを考えるのは楽しいです。 It is fun to think about what I would do if I were that shop staff.

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Last December 27th, I wrote a blog post titled "I found a nice Japanese tea café called Socha" (「素茶といういい感じの日本茶カフェを見つけました。」).
You can read it here:

I haven't been to Socha for about three weeks, but I'm thinking of visiting again.

Socha is a Japanese tea café with small windows, and the height of the windows makes it a bit difficult to figure out what kind of shop it is from the outside.
People passing by without knowing Socha might find it less inviting to enter.
However, once you step inside, the small windows contribute to the comfortable atmosphere of Socha.

To make it easier for new customers to enter, it might be a good idea to enlarge the windows so that the interior is more visible.
However, doing so could potentially compromise the cozy atmosphere that customers find comfortable.

How to reconcile these conflicting aspects is an interesting consideration.
While I'm not a staff member at the shop, pondering how I would handle this situation if I were is quite enjoyable.

== Japanese original ==
昨年12月27日に「素茶といういい感じの日本茶カフェを見つけました。 I found a nice Japanese tea café called Socha.」というブログを書きました。




