フューチャーデザインって知っていますか? Do you know Future Design ?
== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
There is a concept called "Future Design" (FD).
The idea is to find solutions to problems by thinking as if we are the future generation 20 or 30 years from now.
It has been adopted by local governments since about seven years ago, and recently it has come to be used by companies when considering R&D and management strategies.
The effect is that by thinking as if we are the future generation, we will be able to think outside of the current conditions, which will enrich our ideas.
I learned about the concept of Future Design in an article in the September 19 Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
"The Future Envisioned by "Virtual Future People": Abolishing Stereotypes and Generating Innovation"
Reading this article reminded me of the idea of science fiction thinking or science fiction prototyping.
The idea is to think about the unexpected future by taking the form of science fiction, and from there to look back at the present and think about what we should do now.
It can be said that both FD and SF thinking are a way to think away from the various "common sense" and "constrains" of the "present.
That is how difficult it is to step outside of the "frame" in which you are currently in.
== Japanese original ==
"「仮想将来人」が描く未来 固定観念廃し革新生む"