
There are two kinds of "Shukatsu"​ in Japanese. Actually, there are many kinds of them​. How many do you know?

According to recent research, Tokyo is the highest burnout city. Why? Maybe there are too many things we have to do, but don't want to. As one example, I'd like to introduce some Japanese words with "Katsu", which is a short form of "Katsudo" (活動: activity).

朝活 (Asa-katsu)

"朝" means "morning". Activities before going to work, for example, yoga, running, taking English classes, attending seminars and volunteer activities, etc.

温活 (On-katsu)

"温" from "温める"(=warm). Trying not to suffer from sensitivity to cold temperatures by warning the body, for example, taking a bath or eating ginger.

婚活 (Kon-katsu)

"婚" from "結婚"(=marriage). Single people's activity to look for a possible partner.

就活 (Shu-katsu)

"就" from "就職"(=getting employed). New graduates' job-seeking activity. Most new graduates are looking for jobs in the same season in Japan.

終活 (Shu-katsu)

"終" means "end". Activities towards the end of life include decluttering ("断捨離") or making a will. One of my old relatives completed her "終活" lately and it seems she'll update it since it's a long way till actually, it happens.

転活 (Ten-katsu)

"転" from "転職"(=job change). Workers' job-seeking activity, basically looking for another employer, starting your own business is not included.

妊活 (Nin-katsu)

"妊" from "妊娠"(=pregnant). Trying to conceive, for example, tracking basal body temperature or getting medical treatment.

パパ活 (Papa-katsu)

"パパ" means "Daddy". Sugar dating.

美活 (Bi-katsu)

"美" means "beauty". Any kind of activity related to beauty, not just about appearance, but also mentally.

保活 (Ho-katsu)

"保" from "保育"(=childcare). Looking for childcare. The inability to find childcare is a serious issue in Japan. Not everyone can get childcare.

離活 (Ri-katsu)

"離" from "離婚"(=divorce). Preparation for getting a divorce, such as hiring lawyers, looking for another place to live, and talking about property division.

ヲタ活 (Ota-katsu)

"ヲタ" from "ヲタク"(=geek). Groupie's activity for an idle, anime, or characters.

The list can be really long such as "ソー活", "菌活", "腸活", "眠活", "涙活", "呆活", "ソロ活"... How many did you know? Does your language have the corresponding concept? It might be useful to think about which activity is related to your service if your audience is Japanese.
