
Japanese unique words on consumer activity 消費活動に関する日本語

Here are some words to give you more understanding of consumer behavior in Japan. 教科書には載ってない(かもしれない)消費活動に関する日本語のリストです。

Baku-gai (爆買い)
Massive buying by foreign tourists. Typically it indicates tourists from China. Popular products for Baku-gai are,

・Rice cooker (炊飯器)
・Supplement (サプリメント)
・Skincare products (スキンケア製品)
・KitKat matcha (キットカット 抹茶味)

Inbound Shohi(インバウンド消費)
インバウンド(Inbound) means tourists or travels visiting Japan from other countries. 消費(Shohi) means consumption. This tourism term was a big trend around 2015.

Ie-nomi (家飲み)、Taku-nomi (宅飲み)
Both 家(Ie) and 宅(Taku) mean home. Drinking at home instead of dining out.

Short form of 女子高生(Joshi-kosei) = high school girls.

Joshi-ryoku (女子力)
Girl power (女子: girl, 力: power). A woman is praised by others saying "Joshi-ryoku takai!" (女子力高い!) when she is a good cook, has an awesome fashion sense, or speaks like a lady.

Kami Taiou (神対応)
Kami=God, Taio=treatment. It's used to describe that treatment or service exceeds the normal expectation.

Gohoubi (ごほうび)
Gohoubi originally means rewards. "自分へのご褒美" (Jibun e no Gohoubi) means to treat yourself normally on a special occasion.

Ni channel (2ちゃんねる)
2channel is a well-known Japanese bulletin board to cover a wider topic from hacking to today's recipe. https://2ch.sc/

Oogata Renkyu (大型連休)
Except for June, there is a national holiday in each month. Here are typical long holiday series in Japan.

・Golden Week (ゴールデンウィーク)
From the end of April to the beginning of May. Originally it meant a golden week for the movie theater.

・Obon (お盆)
From 13th to 15th of August. We welcome the spirits of ancestors from the nearest temple on the 13th and see them off on the 15th with a Japanese lantern. These days, fewer people are taking days off during Obon.

・Nenmatsu Nenshi (年末年始)
From the end of December to the beginning of January. Many people are going back home to spend the new year (Osyogatsu:お正月) with family.

Otonagai (大人買い)
To spend lots of money on things s/he couldn’t get as a child. Normally, the amount is large. If there's a series, buy the whole series. Common examples are,
・Bikkuri-man Chocolateビックリマンチョコ
・Hello Kitty ハローキティ

Ohitorisama (おひとり様)
Ohitorisama means Solo (Ohitori =one person, Sama =Sir). There're many services for solos, such as solo dining, solo trip, solo karaoke, and solo yakiniku (Japanese BBQ).

Premium Friday (プレミアムフライデー)
The "leave-at-three" Friday campaign conducted by METI since 2017. On the last Friday of every month, workers are encouraged to leave the office at 3 pm for shopping, dining out, or traveling.

Ria-jyu (リア充)
Short form of Real (リアル) Jyujitsu (fulfilling:充実). Ria-jyu is used to describes a person who has a fulfilling life.

Sugomori-jyuyo 巣ごもり需要
Demand caused by the stay home. Things that make life more comfortable around the home became in greater demand due to the pandemic. For the Covid-19 related terms, you can refer to this article.

~Katsu (~活)
Short form of "Katsudo" (活動: activity). There is a certain market for each activity. You can see the whole list of activities here.
