
【英語日記#4】桜って最高だよね…奇跡を感じる Cherry blossom “Sakura”

April 8,2024

Cherry blossoms “sakura” are Japan’s most famous symbol.
I feel like I’ve grown up alongside them.
Even my hometown’s name includes “sakura” and in early April the roads turn into pink tunnels.
Since cherry blossoms bloom from the end of one year to the beginning of the next,
they bring back both good and bittersweet memories for me.
I think ancient Japanese may have started their new year alongside the cherry blossoms.
Cherry blossoms captivate people worldwide and bring them to Japan.

Thank you



captivate v 魅了する 

ephemeral a 束の間の 1日限りの
ex His success was ephemeral.

fleeting a 儚い

transient a 一時の 短期の
ex The poor economy affected the transient workers.


April 7,2024
Cherry blossom,Sakura, is the most popular thing in Japan.
I remember that I have grown up with Sakura. My hometown’s name includes Sakura and there are fully Sakura in the first week of April.
Sakura makes me remind good and sad memories because it blooms just the end of fiscal year to new fiscal year season.
I wonder it is the reason why the ancient Japanese people change the year in April.
Sakura fascinates every people in all countries and bring them to Japan.

Thank you for reading my diary
