
Hamster Days

OK, Mr. …… what is your sirname?
Van Terrapin, should we say? 

So, Mr. Van Terrapin, 
you are frustrated.
I know you know it. 
But I have to tell you again.
You are, and very badly!
You are swollen with things inside you. 
Somehow, anyhow, you have to find a little needle, sting to make a small hole on your skin and put all the excessive air and unnecessaries out.
And don’t  try on your back. It’s too hard.

Imagine that.
Feel any better? 

Why don't you and your wife take turns to enjoy some solo time,
if you have to wait a long time before you can actually get away from your daily routine? 
Okay, you don’t have a wife yet. 
Nor kids obligations on weekends. 
But you are freaking out, claiming that you are too busy.
And that your days are like a hamster’s, on a wheel. 

I can imagine your hamster days.
Although I have no responsibilities and nobody relies on me in practical senses at this moment, I still can.
Only, when I experienced the same type of days, I felt that I was an ant.
But later, I learned how incredible ants work in big groups.
And I was fascinated, but that didn't make me feel any better about being an ant.
Hamster, though.
Imagine your face on a hamster and running in the wheel all day.
People are looked after by this busy, little, hardworking hamster.
They are happy because of you, at least, partly.
Don’t know how big the portions are. 
Doesn’t matter, does it?
When you can make someone happy at all, that’s already wonderful. 
I think this hamster is so cute and adorable.
I would watch him all day long.
You guessed that I would enjoy one movie fully, then as soon as stepping out of the cinema, I would be looking for another movie. 
No. Wrong! 
I will not go look for another movie.
I will keep watching the sweaty hamster. 
I am rather sticky, persistent type.
Thought you knew that. 

I am not a short time lover.
You are wrong again.
I am a never-be-able-to-deal-with-love lover.
But I think I am a little better in friendship.
Throw your frustrations at me.
I will shoot them for you.
Complain about anything to me.
I will be there, without trying to give you advice or lectures.
I may not understand everything you say, 
but I will just nod and listen.
Remember, I am a Japanese.
That is something our people are good at.
Nodding. 😊 

I’m here for you, Chrissy. 
