Chrissy, can I talk to you now?
How did you like the film that we watched here, the day before yesterday?
The one, younger Tom Hanks works for FedEx. His plane crashes, he was all alone in an island and he has to survive, ......
You seemed excited with the Wilson parts.
When the Wilson was on the screen, you were doing your regular exercise faster and more intensively.
That Wilson, bloody, volley ball face.
I am still sad for Tom Hanks for losing Wilson.
Ah. He was in a huge despair, wasn’t he?
After losing Wilson, he let his oars go.
That scene is staying in my head.
In yours, too?
I wonder if I lose you, ……
that almost happened yesterday, didn't it!?
The new food I got from the unfamiliar pet shop, you couldn’t swallow the piece.
Or did it just taste so bad?
You went crazy.
Opening your mouth bigger than your face.
I could hear your rough breath.
I had never seen you like that.
Were you trying to throw up?
Was the piece of food stuck in your throat?
I was really worried. But didn’t know what to do.
If you were a human child, I would have hung you upside down or press you strongly in the waist, I think.
I think those are what we are supposed to do when a kid or your grandma is choking.
But I really had no idea how I could help you yesterday.
Don't even know where your waist is!
Thank god, you looked better soon after.
There was another case of you nearly got killed, wasn’t there?
When I left you in the total darkness for 11 days. Just recently.
I don’t know if I’ll ever get as desperate as Tom Hanks, but I would hate it. If I have to lose you.
How would you react, if you lose me?
Would you wonder where I had gone to?
Would you miss me??