A Comedy
Hey Chrissy,
how are you feeling about your first few days of the year?
Mine has been dull.
Dull days with dull happies, dull sadnesses, dull thinkings, …..oh, and a nice run in the snow this morning.
Were you excited with the snow?
Do you see it?
The fluffy white stuff coming from the sky is snow.
It covers everything.
Look just behind you. All white, right? It's the snow magic.
Do you have new year’s resolution, Chrissy?
Mine should be ‘try to become able to think’.
Someone wrote something like,
"if you are a person to feel, life is a tragedy
If you are a person to think, life is a comedy"
I want to make mine a comedy.
At the moment, I am lacking in intelligence and knowledge, thus can't think properly. There I want to get better this year.
Beethoven said something like,
"Applause, everyone! The comedy ends here."
At the end of his life, didn’t he?
So, his was a comedy. At least he decided so.
How’s yours?
You seem smart. You are probably, already a thinker.
Do you think your life is a comedy, then?