
米国経済には強気のTom Leeも直近は慎重


先週からの高ボラティリティー相場は週をまたいでも未だに継続中ですが、そんな中、Wall Street随一の強気派で知られるTom Leeの最新インタビューがCNBCで放送されましたので、ここで紹介したいと思います。


冒頭にまず、今回の株価の急落は一時的なものなのか、それとも大きな弱気相場入りなのかと問われたTom Leeは次のように返答しています。

For now, I think it is the former that you described. We have over three days suddenly markets reverse and Japan down over 20%. As you are pointing out, the Nasdaq could even decline further. Declines like that are generally symmetric. But you have to watch the VIX. When the VIX peaks and starts to rollover and fall down, the recovery can be just as quick. I think a lot of this depends on whether financial conditions in the U.S. start to tighten. Meaning, do markets seize up? But with interest rates falling, you know, the consumer is still in pretty good shape. I think on the other side of this, it will look like a growth scare.

Interview on CNBC television @8/5/2024


終盤のTom Leeの発言内容はいまいち理解できなかったのですが、やはりこのような変動幅の激しい市場ではVIXに注目しなければならないということは分かりました。




ただし、Tom Leeはもう少し慎重なようです。

It spiked Friday and it’s spiking again today. The last time the VIX was at this level was April of 2020. So for an investor, that tells us kind of where we are which is we know markets are nervous and they have to unwind, but it’s not been a bad time to be thinking there’s a big opportunity on the other side because once the VIX starts to calm down and the markets have already corrected, there is opportunity. Knowing of course, it is August.
You think the VIX high 40s is where it’s going to peak or low 50s? It’s up 100% almost.
Yeah. The VIX may not have a ceiling because we know the next couple days there is also some geopolitical events on the horizon.
In Israel. And Iran. You know, we have politics here.
That’s escalating. Some people think that will turn into a nightmare this week.
Or today. Today or tomorrow.
I think that’s why it is all coming to ahead this week. To me, it is a very important week. We know it is hard to catch a falling knife as you mentioned, support levels are broken. But mortgage rates are falling. The consumer is in good shape. The job market, I think it is unlikely --

Interview on CNBC television @8/5/2024








今回のインタビュー内容は、Perma Bullの異名をとるTom Leeにしては非常に抑制的な株式市場の見通しでした。実際、ここでは和訳しませんでしたが、ここから10月までは良くてもレンジ相場になるという発言もあったことから、VIXの回復と買いのタイミングをかなり慎重に見極める必要がありそうです。

