夏休みの車内風景 東急電鉄 急行 大井町→中央林間
August 2022 YouTube 前面展望
大井町線は、起点を大井町駅、終点を溝の口駅とする12.4 km の路線です。今回乗車した電車は、大井町線の電車ですが、二子玉川駅を出発すると直ぐに田園都市線に転線し、大井町線の終点である溝の口駅を過ぎた後も、田園都市線の終点である中央林間駅まで走ります。
大井町駅から溝の口駅までの大井町線内の営業距離は12.4 km、溝の口駅から中央林間駅間の田園都市線内の営業距離は20.1 km。大井町駅から中央林間駅までの営業距離合計は、32.5 km です。
The train I took this time is from Oimachi, direct to Den-en-toshi Line, and express to Chuo-Rinkan.
The Ōimachi Line is the 12.4 km long line that starts at Ōimachi Station and ends at Mizonokuchi Station. The train I took this time is the train of the Ōimachi Line, but even after passing Futako-tamagawa Station, it runs on the Den-en-toshi Line until Chuorinkan Station.
Take the Ōimachi Line to Chuo-Rinkan Station in order to meet the needs of users seeking speedy access to Ōimachi Station, which connects to the JR Keihin Tohoku Line, Ōokayama Station, which connects to the Meguro Line, and Jiyūgaoka Station, which connects to the Tōyoko Line. All trains are classified as express.
The riding distance on the Ōimachi Line is 12.4 km, and the riding distance on the Den-en-toshi Line is 20.1 km. Total travel distance is 32.5 km.
After passing Mizonokuchi Station towards Chuorinkan, there is a tunnel. From there, it runs through the rugged Tama hills. In order to make the slope of the undulating Tama hills as gentle as possible, the tracks are laid with various tunnels and cuts.
Looking at the front view while thinking about the hardships of the engineers who laid the tracks made me realize the depth of the railway.