
アニメで日本語は学べる?少しシェアします / Can you really learn Japanese from Anime? Will share a bit





もちろん、日本語レベルによって意見が違うかもしれないけど、アニメは初級者にとって入りやすいと思う。優しい言葉遣いやトーン、はっきりした発音は日本語の勉強にはもってこいだし、上級者でも新しい単語や表現を学べる。一方、バラエティ番組はリアルな日本語が飛び交うから、上級者向けに感じるかも。外国語で話す外国人を聞いたことありますか?早口で話す人を聞くのって大変だよね? 日本語も同じで、慣れていない人にはリアルな会話の速度がきついことがある。その点、アニメは声優さんのプロの発声だから、一つ一つの言葉がはっきりしていて聞き取りやすいんだ。それをさらにゲームからでは、ちゃんとテキストもあるので、漢字の勉強もできるようになる。


まとめると、バラエティ番組や日本人との会話で学ぶのはもちろん賛成。でも、アニメの言葉遣いが変だから日本語が学べない、という意見には反対。実際、僕はアニメやゲームを通じて日本語を学んできたし、結果も出てると思う。ただ、すべてをそのまま真似するわけではなく、状況や相手に応じて言葉を選ぶのが大事。これは日本語だけじゃなく、どの言語にも当てはまるよね。だって、英語で毎回「F you」とか使わないのと一緒だから。なので、日常会話の日本語を学びたいならバトルアニメみたいなものではなく、日常系やラブコメのアニメがおすすめです。



Recently, my brother introduced me to an Instagrammer who said, "You can't learn Japanese from anime. If you want to learn, you should watch variety shows." As someone who has studied Japanese through anime and games, I want to address this opinion.

He said, "Anime dialogue is weird, like saying things such as 'come at me' or 'kisama' (you scoundrel), which no one actually says." which usually comes from battle anime as an example. It's true that learning from variety shows can help you pick up natural conversation, and I actually agree with that. But I couldn’t agree with the idea that you can’t learn from anime. I thought the example was a bit off—it’s like using lines from "Harry Potter" about magic to learn English. (No one says "alohomora" every time they open a lock lol)


Of course, opinions may vary depending on your level of Japanese, but I think anime is an excellent entry point for beginners. The language is often simpler, the tone is clearer, and the pronunciation is easy to understand, making it great for learning. Even advanced learners can pick up new vocabulary and expressions. On the other hand, variety shows expose you to fast-paced, real-life Japanese, which can be challenging for learners—like how hearing fast foreign language speech can be hard to understand. In contrast, anime is voiced by professionals, making each word easier to catch and comprehend. Plus, games often come with text, which can help with kanji learning.


In conclusion, while I agree that variety shows and speaking with native Japanese speakers are great ways to improve, I disagree with the idea that anime's dialogue is too strange to learn from. Personally, I've learned Japanese through anime and games, and it has worked for me. Of course, it’s important to use words appropriately depending on the situation and audience. This applies to any language, not just Japanese—it's like how you wouldn’t say "F you" in every English conversation. So, if you're looking to learn conversational Japanese, I'd recommend slice-of-life or romantic comedy anime over battle anime.

