(第1問)TOEFL Writing Academic Discussion Task Mock Question


Doctor(教員): Today, we're exploring the enduring impact of traditional media in our modern society. Despite the emergence of digital platforms, traditional media such as television and books continue to wield significant influence. Now, considering their impact on shaping perspectives and opinions, I’d like your insights. In your view, do you believe television holds greater importance, or do books exert a stronger impact on individuals in today's society? Explain the reasons behind your perspective, considering their respective reach and engagement.

Andrew(学生A): Unlike books that require literacy skills and resources, television offers information readily available to a vast audience. lts audio-visual nature captivates diverse demographics reaching individuals regardless of literacy levels. For instance, television news broadcasts reach millions instantly, shaping collective perspectives. lts immediacy and visual storytelling also create lasting impressions, influencing opinions and societal views more directly compared to the slower, more introspective impact of books.

Claire(学生B): Books wield greater influence in modern society owing to their ability to convey specialized and in-depth knowledge. Unlike television, which often presents condensed or generalized information, books delve profoundly into various subjects, providing comprehensive insights and expertise. This depth allows readers to explore diverse perspectives, fostering critical thinking and nuanced opinions based on substantial information.
