
ガザのインテリアデザインの学生さん・バラーアさんへのインタビューVol.4 〜イスラム建築と自然との調和〜




※記事は全文無料でお読みいただけますが、ご購入いただけましたら全てバラーアさんの寄付にあてさせていただきます。バラーアさんは非常に危険なエリアにお住まいで、食糧にも困窮されています。インテリアデザイナーになる夢を叶える為にもどうぞ、お心寄せください。第1回目インタビュー 第2回目インタビュー

初期のイスラム建築は、ローマ、ビザンチン、ペルシャ、メソポタミアの建築に加え、7 世紀と 8 世紀の初期イスラムの征服中に征服されたすべての土地の影響を受けました。その後、建物の形状において、またイスラム・カリグラフィー、唐草・幾何学模様などの表面装飾においても、独特の特徴を発展させました。こうした中、ミナレット(塔)、ムカルナス(持ち送り装飾)、多葉アーチなどの新しい建築要素が発明されます。イスラム建築における一般的または重要なタイプの建物には、モスクの他、学校、墓、宮殿、公衆浴場、カンカやザウィヤ(修道場)などのスーフィー(神秘主義者)の住居、噴水、道(水道システム)、隊商宿(カーン)やバザールなどの商業用建物、軍事施設、要塞などが含まれます。 ミナレット、ドーム、中庭(パティオ)はイスラム建築の特徴として有名ですが、それだけでは、イスラム建築の精神性、自然との関わりを考察することはできないため、他の要素も挙げさせてください。

(画像引用元:世界のモスク https://sekainomosque.com/mosque-features)
ミナレットの構造は基礎のベースに、正方形の本体がそびえ、 バルコニー (Shurfah:ムエジン用のプラットフォームまたはバルコニー)があつらえられ、バルコニーを囲む中空の障壁が手すりとしてあります。
ミナレットの本体は、正方形の上の部分が丸みを帯びていることがよくあります。本体の上には小さな建造物またはパビリオンがあり、頂上にはキューポラまたは装飾品 (ジュモールまたはカヌーン。地球儀やその他の装飾品)があります。

ムカルナスは、イスラム建築の特徴的な要素の 1 つであり、さまざまな形や種類で現れます。

(引用: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/持ち送り)

(画像引用元:wikipedia https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8C%81%E3%81%A1%E9%80%81%E3%82%8A)
ムカルナスは、建築的機能と、装飾的な役割の両方を果たし、象徴的な意味と形而上学的次元を運ぶシュールレアリスムな彫刻として現れます。壁、天井、ドーム、バルコニーがすべて相互につながっているため、空間に連続性の感覚が生まれ、あたかも装飾に始まりも終わりもないかのように、視線が特定の点で止まることなく、さまようようになります。 ムカルナスは凹面を覆い、天井と壁の間、ミナレットのバルコニーの下や説教壇の入り口の鋭いコーナーとの連結をスムーズにします。
多葉(マルチローブ)アーチは、イスラム美術と建築の際立った特徴です。このタイプのアーチは、アル・アンダルス (中世スペイン) や北アフリカのマグレビ建築、インド亜大陸のムガル建築やゴシック建築に見られる建築要素が特徴です。マルチローブアーチは通常、いくつかのローブまたは円弧で構成され、構造と美的目的の両方に役立つ視覚的に印象的なデザインを作成します。この建築様式は、さまざまな文化的影響の相互作用を象徴することが多く、イスラム建築に固有の芸術的創造性を反映しています。




完全な球形だったり、尖っていたり、 楕円形(インドの建築に見られる)のものや、円錐形のものがあります。特にモスクでは、ドームは内部と外部の両方に複雑な装飾が施されていることがよくあります。イスラム建築の有名なドームには次のようなものがあります。
・アル アクサ モスクの 「岩のドーム」

イスラム建築における アーチ
尖ったアーチは2 つの円弧から成り、中心がアーチ内に位置します。このデザインはいくつかの種類に分類されます。


アーチは、sunjah、lubnah、faqrah、または maddakとして知られるいくつかの石で構成されています。アーチを安定させる中央の石は キーストーン、ロック、クロージャー、またはシートと呼ばれ、アーチの基部につながる垂直線は脚と呼ばれます。

パラペットはイスラム建築のもう 1 つの特徴であり、主に防御の目的を果たします。それらは要塞、城、塔の壁に見られます。欄干は、防御側が立って攻撃者からの脅威を調査するためのスペースを提供します。その重要性はその防御機能に根ざしており、下のエリアの視界を確保しながら要塞を保護するのに役立ちます。


また建造物、特にモスクや社会センターはキブラ (メッカの方向) を向いていることが多く、礼拝の実践を通じた自然との精神的なつながりを反映しています。
庭園はイスラム建築の基本的な要素となり、自然の美しさを反映し、休息と瞑想のための平和な空間として機能するように設計されました。 「イシャタル」や「アル・アンダルス」などの有名な庭園は、美しいレイアウトと水の特徴で作られました。庭園は都市計画の一環としても重要視されていました。


Q.Islamic architecture is diverse and it is hard to tell their characteristics, but the towers, courtyards, and domes found in mosques are distinctive, and I feel that their decorativeness is very beautiful. I heard that the a minaret(tower) has been considered a symbol of Islamic authority to announce prayers, the courtyard was used as a sanctuary, and the domes were considered a symbols of the sky. How does traditional Islamic architectures have related to "nature"? I feel they were rather symbolistic than harmonious with nature. What do you think?
A.Islamic architecture encompasses the building characteristics used by Muslims to establish their identity. This style emerged in regions the Muslims reached, such as the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Egypt, the Levant, the Maghreb, Turkey, Iran, Khorasan, Transoxiana, and Sindh, as well as areas they ruled for extended periods, such as Al-Andalus (modern-day Spain) and India. The features and qualities of Islamic architecture have been profoundly influenced by Islam and the scientific renaissance that followed it. The style varies from region to region, depending on the climate and the previous architectural and cultural heritage of the area. For instance, the open courtyard is common in the Levant, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula, while it has vanished in Turkey due to the colder climate and in Yemen due to its architectural heritage.
Early Islamic architecture was influenced by Roman, Byzantine, Persian, and Mesopotamian architecture, as well as all the lands conquered during the early Islamic conquests in the seventh and eighth centuries. Subsequently, it developed distinctive characteristics in the form of buildings and in the decoration of surfaces with Islamic calligraphy, arabesques, and geometric patterns. New architectural elements such as minarets, muqarnas, and multi-lobed arches were invented. Common or significant types of buildings in Islamic architecture include mosques, schools, tombs, palaces, public baths, Sufi residences such as khanqahs or zawiyas, fountains, ways (aqua duct systems), commercial buildings like caravanserais (khan) and bazaars, and military fortifications.
Many minarets in the past were equipped with lanterns, making them lighthouses that guided travelers to the city or town. As a result, many Arab researchers refer to them as "manarat," meaning lighthouses. The minaret was sometimes also used to announce state proclamations. Over time, the minaret became a distinct category within Islamic architectural arts, receiving significant attention in design and execution, with heights varying to several tens of meters. Its construction was decorated with exquisite Islamic motifs, taking on various shapes, including circular, polygonal, and square, with a base that proportionally matched its height. Inside, there was a spiral staircase leading up to a balcony where the muezzin would call for prayers.
Specialists in Islamic architecture have classified minaret styles and shapes into categories based on historical periods, specific Islamic countries, or the individuals who commissioned their construction, including caliphs, sultans, kings, and princes.
Generally, minarets throughout different eras, unlike those in the Maghreb, were constructed using materials that corresponded to their environment and location. In the Maghreb, the Levant, and Egypt, stone was commonly used (particularly limestone), while in Iraq, brick and clay derivatives were prevalent. Additionally, binding materials were used in the later stages of Islamic architecture.
Parts of the Minaret (from bottom to top):
1. Base: The foundational section.
2. Square Body: This is usually a square structure rising above the base.
3. Balcony (Shurfah): A platform or balcony for the muezzin.
4. Railing: A hollow barrier surrounding the balcony.
5. Column or Post in the Railing: Structural elements within the railing.
6. Circular Body: Often the body of the minaret is rounded above the square section.
7. Galilee (Jusq): A smaller structure or pavilion above.
8. Top of the Minaret: The pinnacle or peak.
Muqarnas serve both a specific architectural function and a decorative role that transcends ordinary limits, appearing as surrealist sculptures that carry symbolic meanings and metaphysical dimensions. They create a sense of continuity in space, as walls, ceilings, domes, and balconies all interconnect, making the eye wander without stopping at a specific point, as if the decoration has no beginning or end.
Muqarnas cover concave surfaces and facilitate transitions at the sharp corners between ceilings and walls and below balconies in minarets and the entrances of pulpits. They also help smooth the abrupt transition from the square base of a dome to its circular shape, and they especially dominate corner niches, the sky of domes, and their external corbels.
**The multi-lobed arch** is a distinctive feature of Islamic art and architecture. This type of arch is characterized by its architectural element seen in the Maghrebi architecture of Al-Andalus (medieval Spain) and North Africa, as well as in Mughal architecture in the Indian subcontinent and Gothic architecture.
The multi-lobed arch typically consists of several lobes or curves, creating a visually striking design that serves both structural and aesthetic purposes. This architectural style often symbolizes the interplay of different cultural influences and reflects the artistic creativity inherent in Islamic architecture.
9. Cupola or Ornamentation (Jumour or Qanun): Decorative elements, which may include globes or other adornments.
**Mashrabiyas** are wooden screens made from carved wood that allow those inside a home to see the street while preventing outsiders from looking in. These screens were not only positioned overlooking the street but were also present inside homes, allowing residents to maintain privacy while hosting guests. This reflects the occupants' adherence to Islamic principles and the protection of family privacy. Additionally, mashrabiyas can be considered as early forms of air conditioning for traditional homes.
Mashrabiyas serve a climatic function, particularly in hot climates within Islamic countries. They reduce the amount of sunlight that passes through, softening its intensity and diffusing it, which allows light to enter gently through the openings. They also help control the flow, humidity, and speed of air entering the home.
**Muqarnas** are one of the distinctive elements of Islamic architecture, appearing in various shapes and types. When viewed in isolation, a single muqarnas can resemble a small niche or a vertical section of one. However, it is always used as part of a densely clustered assembly arranged in meticulously calculated rows, where the muqarnas elements are adjacent and tiered, creating a visual effect reminiscent of honeycombs or honeycomb cells, where their components blend together with harmonious and geometrically precise lines and volumes.
Typically, a mashrabiyya features a design of varying openings, being narrower at the bottom and wider at the top. They extend out from the wall, allowing air to flow through. They are constructed from untreated natural wood, which retains moisture in its pores, ensuring that the air entering the home remains humid.
To provide insulation during winter, mashrabiyas are equipped with solid wooden or glass panels. Thus, they are suitable for both summer and winter. They are also characterized by their intricate and decorative designs, adding aesthetic value to traditional homes.
**Domes** are architectural elements that are typically round or spherical in shape, with their interior spaces rising in height. Domes are constructed from various materials, including brick, mud, stone, reinforced concrete, and iron. They can take multiple forms, such as:
- **Perfectly spherical**
- **Pointed**
- **Oval**, as seen in Indian architecture
- **Conical**
Domes are often intricately decorated on both their interiors and exteriors, particularly in mosques. Some famous domes in Islamic architecture include:
- The **Green Dome** over the grave of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
- The **Dome of the Rock** at Al-Aqsa Mosque
Domes hold significant importance in Islamic civilization, distinguishing the architectural style and construction of buildings within this rich cultural heritage.
**Arches** in Islamic architecture are constructed curved structures that connect and support two ends. They come in various forms, including:
1. **Semi-circular arches**
2. **Pointed arches** formed from two arcs with a center located within the arch; this design can branch into several other shapes.
An arch is made up of several stones known as **sunjah**, **lubnah**, **faqrah**, or **maddak**. The central stone that stabilizes the arch is referred to as the **keystone**, **lock**, **closure**, or **seat**, while the vertical line connecting to the base of the arch is called a **leg**.The significance of arches lies in their ability to free architecture from the constraints imposed by the dimensions of wood and the weights of stones. They enable larger and higher openings and entrances while adding beauty and elegance to the structure.
*Parapets** are another feature in Islamic architecture, serving primarily a defensive purpose. They are found on the walls of fortifications, castles, and towers. Parapets provide a space for defenders to stand and survey incoming threats from attackers. Their importance is rooted in their defensive function, helping to protect fortifications while allowing visibility of the area below.
**Ornamentation** in Islamic architecture refers to the decoration of architectural elements with geometric and floral shapes, avoiding the use of representations of living creatures. Ornamentation is applied to a variety of surfaces, including walls, floors, ceilings, and domes, as well as on fabrics, carpets, and wooden, iron, and brass works.
### Characteristics of Ornamentation:
1. **Shapes**: Ornamentation consists of colorful shapes that reflect the beauty of Islamic art; however, it is emphasized that there should be no extravagance in its use, especially in mosques, to avoid distracting worshippers during prayer.
2. **Interior and Exterior Ornamentation**:
- **Interior**: It features individual uniqueness and can be more diverse according to personal taste.
- **Exterior**: It should be moderate, reflecting collective taste without excessive display, so it does not appear flashy.3. **Simplicity and Abstraction**: Islamic architecture is marked by simplicity and elegance, where buildings are designed to embody individual capacity and needs without extravagance. Externally, homes appeared similar, reflecting a respect for equality and avoiding ostentation.
These principles make Islamic architecture an expression of beauty through simplicity, steering clear of complexity while maintaining an ornamental beauty that aligns with Islamic principles and contributes to creating a spiritual environment.
Islamic traditional architecture is deeply connected to nature in various ways, reflecting the interaction between humans and their surrounding environment. This connection is evident through several aspects:
### 1. **Sustainable Design**:
- Traditional Islamic architecture utilized local natural materials such as clay, stone, and wood, which harmonized with the environment and helped minimize the impact of construction on nature.
### 2. **Ventilation and Lighting**:
- Buildings were designed to allow natural light and airflow, with features like large windows, balconies, and awnings that help regulate indoor temperatures by relying on local climate conditions.
### 3. **Orientation of Architecture**:
- Structures, especially mosques and social centers, were often oriented towards the Qibla (the direction of Mecca), reflecting a spiritual connection to nature through the practice of worship.
### 4. **Gardens and Urban Planning**:
- Gardens became a fundamental element in Islamic architecture, designed to reflect natural beauty and serve as peaceful spaces for rest and contemplation. Famous gardens such as those in "Ishatar" and "Al-Andalus" were created with beautiful layouts and water features.
### 5. **Nature-Inspired Ornamentation**:
- Islamic ornaments often included forms inspired by nature, such as floral and geometric patterns, reflecting natural beauty and linking architecture to the environment.
### 6. **Water Features**:
- Water played a significant role in Islamic architecture, whether through fountains, pools, or irrigation systems, enabling continuous interaction with nature and creating comfortable living environments.
### 7. **Harmonization with the Environment**:
- Buildings were designed to blend harmoniously with their natural surroundings, showing a profound appreciation for the region's environment and geographical characteristics.
### Conclusion
Islamic traditional architecture embodies a deep respect for nature, as architects aimed to create environments that balanced artistic creativity with the natural world. This created a holistic connection, making Islamic architecture not just about physical structures, but also a manifestation of harmony between humanity and nature.
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