
英語日記 #5 aquarium

Which one do you want to go to, aquarium or zoo?

That's a tough choice!
If I go on a date, I'd probably choose an acuarium. You wouldn't have to worry about getting sunburned at an aquarium either.
If someone asked me what my favorite acuarium animal is, I'd say dolphins.
Because she might watch the dolphin show with me.

Corrections by ChatGPT

That's a tough choice! If I were to go on a date, I'd probably choose an aquarium. You wouldn't have to worry about getting sunburned at an aquarium either. If someone asked me what my favorite aquarium animal is, I'd say dolphins, because she might watch the dolphin show with me.


  1. "acuarium" → "aquarium" (スペルミスの修正)

  2. "If I go" → "If I were to go" (仮定の状況なので仮定法過去を使用)

  3. "dolphins.Because" → "dolphins, because" (文をつなげて、より自然に)


  1. "That's a tough choice!"
    → このフレーズ自体は自然ですが、もう少し文脈に合った言い方にすると「Hmm, that's a tough decision!」など、感情を表す音を加えるとより口語的になります。

  2. "If I were to go on a date, I'd probably choose an aquarium."
    → "If I were to go on a date, I’d probably pick an aquarium."
    解説: "choose"も良いですが、"pick"の方が少しカジュアルで、デートのシチュエーションには合うかもしれません。

  3. "You wouldn't have to worry about getting sunburned at an aquarium either."
    → "Plus, you wouldn’t have to worry about getting sunburned at an aquarium."
    解説: "Plus"を使うことで、この文章が前のアイデアに自然につながります。

  4. "If someone asked me what my favorite aquarium animal is, I'd say dolphins, because she might watch the dolphin show with me."
    → "If someone asked me what my favorite aquarium animal is, I’d say dolphins, since she might enjoy watching the dolphin show with me."
    解説: "because"よりも"since"を使うと、少し柔らかい感じになります。また、"enjoy"を加えることで、相手が一緒に楽しむというニュアンスを強調できます。
