
英語日記 #11 Tourist attraction in Yokohama

Have you had a chance to visit?

I live nearby, so I've visited Yokohama many times.
The Landmark Tower there is an absolute must - see. The stunning city skyline views from the observation deck are breathtaking.

Have you had a chance to ride the giant Ferris wheel at the Minato Mirai waterfront?

It is an iconic Yokohama landmark!
I have never ridden it. I'm really looking forward to riding it on my next visit. It must offer an amazing view of the city!

Yokohama's Chinatown

I'd love to stroll though the vibrant steets and sample all the delicious Chinese cuisine.
I really enjoy buffets, so I like going to places with all-you-can-eat deals.
This is an excellent way to sample all the delicious Chinese dishes.
I would like to order goma dango and choronpo.

How about heading to Yamashita Koen?

It's got a ton of greenery, gorgeous flowers, and some majestic cruise liner out on the water.

Corrections by ChatGPT

Have you had a chance to visit?

I live nearby, so I’ve visited Yokohama many times. The Landmark Tower is an absolute must-see. The stunning city skyline views from the observation deck are breathtaking.

Have you had a chance to ride the giant Ferris wheel at the Minato Mirai waterfront?

It’s an iconic Yokohama landmark! I’ve never ridden it, but I’m really looking forward to trying it on my next visit. It must offer an amazing view of the city!

Yokohama’s Chinatown

I’d love to stroll through the vibrant streets and sample all the delicious Chinese cuisine. I really enjoy buffets, so I like going to places with all-you-can-eat deals. It’s an excellent way to try a variety of delicious Chinese dishes. I’d love to order goma dango and shoronpo.

How about heading to Yamashita Park?

It’s full of greenery, gorgeous flowers, and there’s a majestic cruise liner out on the water.


  1. "The Landmark Tower there is an absolute must - see." → "The Landmark Tower is an absolute must-see."
    "must-see" はハイフンでつないで一語に。

  2. "Have you had a chance to ride the giant Ferris wheel at the Minato Mirai waterfront?"

  3. "It is an iconic Yokohama landmark!I have never ridden it." → "It’s an iconic Yokohama landmark! I’ve never ridden it."
    文と文の間にスペースを追加して、"I have" を短縮形 "I've" にしました。

  4. "I'm really looking forward to riding it on my next visit." → "I’m really looking forward to trying it on my next visit."
    "riding" から "trying" に変えて、少し口語的で自然に。

  5. "I'd love to stroll though the vibrant steets" → "I’d love to stroll through the vibrant streets"
    スペルミス "though" → "through" を修正しました。

  6. "This is an excellent way to sample all the delicious Chinese dishes." → "It’s an excellent way to try a variety of delicious Chinese dishes."
    "sample" を "try" に変更し、"all" を "a variety of" に変更してより具体的に。

  7. "I would like to order goma dango and choronpo." → "I’d love to order goma dango and shoronpo."
    短縮形にして自然な会話調に変更し、"shoronpo" にスペル修正。

  8. "Yamashita Koen" → "Yamashita Park"

  9. "some majestic cruise liner out on the water" → "there’s a majestic cruise liner out on the water"

