
東京の都心に、大手電機メーカーのベテランエンジニアである高村宏が住んでいた。 彼は私生活を犠牲にしてでも会社に滅私奉公してきた。彼はそのことを少しも後悔せず、会社員としての自分のキャリアに誇りを持っていた。そして、会社からも評価されていると思っていた。そんな彼だが、不穏な噂を耳にした。





























Hiroshi Takamura, a veteran engineer for a major electronics manufacturer, lived in the center of Tokyo. He has selflessly served his company even at the expense of his personal life. He had no regrets and was proud of his career as an employee. And he thought he was valued by the company as well. However, he heard some disturbing rumors.

"We will reduce 2.1% of all employees..."

Rumors of layoffs terrified employees to the core. As a cold wind blows, Takamura is called into a conference room by his boss and the human resources department.

"No way...I...No, there's no way..."

Takamura, who is usually calm, was now beating rapidly and was sweating coldly.

Behind closed doors, Takamura confronted his superiors and employees of the human resources department, and was told unbelievable words.

"Mr. Takamura, you are now a target of this staff reduction program. I know that you have contributed to the company up until now. However, your annual income is much higher than the average employee. And since you're already a veteran, it's hard to imagine that your abilities will grow significantly in the future. Could you please consider trying out a new company?"

Takamura, who had a wife and child to take care of and still had dreams he wanted to fulfill at work, did not bow to the pressure and spoke firmly.

"I have a dream that my company hasn't yet accomplished. It's about smart home appliances that use artificial intelligence. I'm also creating a proposal, and I have the technology. I'll definitely make it a success. Please give me a place.”

Takamura's boss, Soeda, looked troubled and said,

"Let's end our interview for today. You might change your mind, so let's have another interview in a week."

Several interviews were held, but Takamura made it clear that he had no intention of retiring.

He was able to avoid resignation, but harassment from the company began.

"Takamura, your transfer has been decided. You will be working on deliveries at the warehouse."

"Why, I have the skills. Why would I be working in a warehouse?"

His boss, Soeda, left the conference room without saying anything.

Colleagues who once shared a friendship began to distance themselves from Takamura. His co-workers knew that Takamura was being harassed by the company and there was nothing they could do to help him.

A disappointing transfer and simple work at a warehouse took a toll on Takamura's psyche. The work of packing products into cardboard boxes and transferring them to trucks...normally, this is work that would be done by transport companies or part-time workers.

"Damn, I'll sue you."

Takamura decided to consult a lawyer. When he returned home, he consulted with his wife Sawako.

"I'm thinking of suing the company."

"Well, I can't help it... It's not the job you really want to do. I respect the fact that you've done your work with pride as an engineer. Let's fight. , with the company.”

Faced with no other option, Takamura faced a decisive battle in court.

``I have technical skills cultivated over a long career as an engineer.The company ignored this and made an unfair reassignment.They considered this to be harassment in response to my refusal to encourage them to retire. Masu"

Along with his lawyer, Takamura appealed for his legitimacy. Soeda and Hosokawa, the personnel manager, looked down with cloudy faces. And then the verdict was handed down.

"We accept the plaintiff's lawsuit. We order that the unfair transfer be reversed and that wages that were unfairly lowered be retroactively paid."

Takamura was in tears, reveling in the taste of his victory and having his beliefs proven correct. Subsequently, the company was investigated by a third-party committee, and upper-level personnel in the human resources department were referred to prosecutors.

After a legal battle, Takamura reaffirmed that he was right. His emotional wounds healed and he submitted the proposal for a new product he had prepared to his manager. He will continue to develop himself as an engineer.

